YSU, Head of English Language First Department
1982 - 1986: Moscow State Institute of Foreign Languages Moscow, PhD in Linguistics
1978 - 1983: Yerevan Pedagogical Institute of Russian and Foreign Languages
BA with Honorary Distinction
Professional Experience
1999 - to present: English Language Department, Yerevan State University, Head of Chair for ESP
1989 - 1999: English Language Department, Yerevan State University
Associate Professor
- Director for TOEFL program (Yerevan State University)
- Director for iTEP (within Teacher Training Program at YSU).
- Teaching Academic English Courses to the students of Master’s Degree Program. Teaching ESP courses to the students of Romance and Germanic, Radio-Physics, Applied Mathematics, Philosophy and Law Departments.
- Supervising course work, post graduate papers, dip1oma work and dissertations.
- Editor for numerous scientific articles and dissertations. Editor - in - Chief for the annual International Journal FLSP (Foreign Languages for Special Purposes) founded in Armenia.
- Chief for the group of experts working on Curriculum design for ESP programmes for more than fifteen departments in YSU such as departments of Law, Business, Sociology, Applied Mathemathics, Physics, Psychology, Chemistry, etc.
- Director for Teacher Training in YSU: 2008
- Author of the secondary school textbooks on English for the 2nd and the 3rd grade in the Republic.
- CoAuthor for “Shtemaran” (Universal admission tests for Institutes and Universities in the Republic).
- Head of the National Board of University Entrance Examinations: 2005, 2006, 2010,
- The Chairperson for the group of English language experts within the Ministry of Education of Armenia (2001).
- Chairperson for State Final Exams in the Institute of foreign Languages and Institute of International Relations: 1998 - 1999.
- Chairperson for Final Exams in Linguistic University after V. Brusov.
- Editor for Foreign Languages division in scientific journal “Science and Education in Artsakh”: 1998
1987 - 1989: English Language Department, Yerevan State University, Teaching Assistant
- Teaching practical and theoretical courses of grammar to the students of the Romance and Germanic Philology Department, Applied Mathematics and Law Departments.
- Responsible for all course materials and exams.
Related Experience
Improving professional skills at International workshops such as CLIL Matrix organized by European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz: Austria 2010.
Participating in workshop at ESP Interest Section workshops held by TESOL in Tampa, Florida, USA: March 2006.
Improving professional skills at International workshops such as CLIL Matrix organized by European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz, Austria: November 2005.
ACCELS qualifying examiner for secondary school teachers, 2001.
Studying ESP/EAP in Ormskirk, Edgehill University, England: November 15 - December 10, 1998.
Teaching survival Armenian in Anania Shirakatsi University (a private institution)
Visiting scholar in English Language Institute, University of Michigan, MI, USA: July-August 1997
MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery), examiner in Armenia appointed by the administration for Testing in the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Certificate of Appreciation).
English Instructor for a USlS team of geological experts. Instructor for the Armenian language to the Peace Corps staff and Peace Corps volunteers: March 1994
Translator for various humanitarian assistance groups, ministries, and foreign organizations through USAID: 1992, 1993, and 1994
Translator for tour groups• in India, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Italy, Greece, and• Malta: 1989, 1990, and 1992.
Translator for Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders) after the earthquake: Dec 1988.
Technical Translator for Scientific Union Ani: 1982.
Member of the international organization TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)
President of ACILL (Armenian Center for International Legal Languages)
Advisor for Association of English Language Teachers of Armenia (AELTA), TESOL branch.
Member of the English - Speaking Union (Armenian Branch)
Armenian: fluent, Russian: fluent, English: fluent, German: good
Head of Armenian Literature Chair
Research student, Chair of Armenian Literature, 1972-75
Diploma, Department of Armenian Language and Literature, Faculty of Philology, Yerevan State University, 1964-1969
Academic degree
Candidate - “Harutyun Surkhatyan”, Yerevan State University 1984
Doctoral - “Life and literary activity of Yervand Otyan”, Yerevan State University, 1995
Professional experience
1969 - till present Professor, Yerevan State University, Philological faculty
2001 Head, Chair of Armenian Literature, Yerevan State University, Philological faculty
Academic courses
New Aemenian Literature (bachelor)
Destiny of the hation and Armenian poetry (Magistracy)
Aet of Armenian Potry (Magistracy)
Professional interests
Armenian Literature and History of critical mind
Armenian, Russian, English
Professional membership (NGO, professional council, editorial staff of scientific journal, funds etc.)
Member, Degree Awarding Specialised (012) Council, Yerevan State University Since 1981
Member of editorial board of magazines ‘’Historic-philological journal’’, ‘’Vem’’
Member of board of Trustees of Gurgen Melikyan foundation of Hashatagh large families
1980 - 1986: Yerevan State University, Faculty of Law
Academic degree
1986 - 1989: Yerevan State University, Faculty of Law, Post graduate course
2008 - Degree of the doctor of Legal Sciences “theme” - “The problems of the criminality in the Republic of Armenia in the period of transition ”
Professional experience
Since 2000: Yerevan State University, Faculty of Law, Head of Criminal Law department
Academic courses
“Criminal Law”, “Criminology”.
Scale of professional interests
crime trends, corruption criminality, victimization
Participation in grant projects
2007 - 2008: Project ”Smuggling in Armenia” financed by TRACCC - American University Expert
Fluency in Armenian, Russian and English
Professional membership
Member of Armenian Bar Association.
Chief editor of the journal “Problems of jurisprudence”.
Member of dissertation council 001 of HAC of Armenia.
1971 - 1977: Armenian Language and Literature, Armenian Philology Department, Yerevan State University, Diploma
Academic degree
2010: “Words Denoting Trade in Armenian”, Diploma of Candidate of Philology (Armenian) from ANA Language Institute
Professional experience
1978 - 2010: “Banber Yerevanie Hamalsaranie” academic journal, Editorial Secretary
2010 - up to now: “Banber Yerevanie Hamalsaranie” academic journal, Vice Editor-in-Chief
2006 - 2009: Lecturer of Armenian, Chair of Armenian, YSU
2009 - up to now: Lecturer of Armenian, Chair of Armenian Diaspora Studies, YSU
Awards received
2010: Gold medal from YSU
2007: Silver medal from YSU
1964 - 1969: Graduate-Diploma of Department of Genetics and Cytology of Biological Faculty of Yerevan State University, Armenia
1969 - 1972: Postgraduate in Department of Genetics and Cytology of Yerevan State University, Armenia and Institute of Medical Genetics of Acad. of Med. Sci. Moscow, Russia;
Academic degree
Candidate of Biological Sciences (Ph. D)
Action of thiol compounds on the formation of chromosomal aberrations in chemical mutagenesis, 1972, Yerevan State University (in Russian)
Doctor of Biological Sciences (D. Sci.)
Mechanisms of action of antimutagens on the effects of chemical mutagens in human cells, 1981, Moscow, Institute of Medical Genetics of Academy of Medical Sciences of USSR. (in Russian)
Professional experience
1972 - present: Yerevan State University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Genetics and Cytology
1991- present: Head of Department of Genetics and Cytology, Faculty of Biology, Yerevan State University
1977 - 1978: IREX program visiting scholar, USA
1985: visiting professor-lecturing award, USA
1987: visiting professor-lecturing, University Paul Valery, Montpellier, France
1992 - Visiting professor in Mexico University, Mexico
1994: Visiting professor in Bologna University, Italy
1997: Lectures in CalPoly (Pomona),USA
1992 - 2001: Visiting professor in Universities Paris-VI and Paris-VII, France
2000: Invited professor by DFG-Jena, Germany
1990, 1995, 1999, 2004: Visiting professor of DAAD, Erlangen, Germany.
2004: Co-Director of NATO ASI workshop, Macomb, USA
2005: Brussels, European Commission expert
2007: Lectures on Conference of Culture and Science, “France-Armenie” Marseille.
2007: Seminar in Institute of Mol. Biology, Zurich
2010: Seminar in Unined Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
2010: Seminars in Institute of Human Genetics, Jena,Germany
2011: Lecture on FEBS Advanced Lecture Course, Yerevan
Academic courses
Genetics, Genetics and evolutionary theory, Principles of Human genetics, Informatics in Genetics, Ecological genetics, Genetics of behavior
Scale of professional interests
Mutagenesis and antimutagenesis. Molecular cytogenetics. Ecological and toxicological genetics
Participation in grant projects (present and past)
2002 - 2004: Grant of SCOPES
2003: Grant of ANSEF
2002 - 2005: Grant of ISTC A - 773
2003 - 2007: Grant of ISTC A - 301
2009 - 2010: Grant of ISTC A - 1701
2010 - 2012: Grant of ISTC A-1764
Armenian, Russian, English, French, German
Professional membership
Chief Editor of “Scientific review of Yerevan State University” and Vice-editor of “Biological Journal of Armenia”, Member of editorial boards of “Korean Journal of Environmental Biology” and “Molecular Cytogenetics”, Member of Editorial Counsil of journal “Blood”.
Awards received
Laureate of medals
Gregor Mendel (1981)
Nikolay Vavilov (1987)
Anania Shirakatsi (1999)
Golden medal of YSU (2007)
Golden medal of the Ministry of High education and Science of RA
Yerevan State University, The Faculty of History, The Faculty of International Relations (1994-1999)
Academic Degree
PhD in History (2006)
Doctor of Sciences (History) (2012)
Work experience
Yerevan State University, The Laborаtory of Historical Geography and Cartography of Armenia, researcher (2005-2008)
“Ararat” University of Armavir, lecturer (2006 - 2010)
The Institute of Humanities of Hrazdan, lecturer (2006 - 2007)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The State Committee on Diaspora Affairs, expert (2008)
The RA Ministry of Diaspora, Head of the Department of Repatriation and Research (2008 - 2013)
Yerevan State University, The Chair of Diaspora, lecturer (from 2009)
Yerevan State University, The Chair of International Relations and Diplomacy, lecturer (2011 - up to present)
Yerevan State University, The Chair of Diaspora, Head of Chair (from 2013)
Academic courses
Organizations of Armenian Diaspora
Problems of Profession (Diaspora Studies)
History of the Armenian Diaspora
History of Genocides
Analysis of the International Situation
Challenges to the International Security in XXI century
Regional Subsystems of International relations
Issues of History and Historical Geography of the Kingdom of Bagratunies
Professional membership
Journal “Hamshen-Pontos”, Russian Federation, Krasnodar, Ed. st. (2010 – up to present)
Member of the Specialized Council No 004 (“History of Armenia”), The Institute of History of the RA National Academy of Sciences (from 2013)
“Regional Affairs” Journal of the RA Public Administration Academy, Ed. st. (from 2013)
Gratitude of the RA Prime Minister (2011)
Winner of “The Best Scientific Research” contest of the RA National Academy of Sciences, “History” Nomination (2011)
Armenian, Russian, English, Arabic
1973 - 1979: Post graduate student, Institute of Cybernetics, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev
1967 - 1972: Diploma in Computer Science, Polytechnic Institute, Yerevan
1957 - 1967: Secondary School N 8 after Pushkin, Yerevan
Academic degrees:
1996: Elected a Full Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
1993: Academic rank of Professor in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Supreme Certification Board, Moscow
1990: Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Institute of Cybernetics, Kiev
1977: Candidate of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Institute of Cybernetics, Kiev
Professional experience
2007 - up to date: IT Educational and Research Center, YSU, Scientific Leader
2007 - up to date: Information Systems Chair, IT Educational and Research Center, YSU, Head of Chair
2010 – up to date: “Synopsys” Inc., Sr. Manager, Embedded Memory, Logic and Test Portfolio, Solutions Group
1993 – 2007: Chair of Algorithmic Languages, Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, YSU, Head of Chair
2000 – 2010: “VirageLogic” Corporation, Director, Embedded Test & Repair Program
1999 – 2000: “Credence” Corporation, Member, Research & Development Staff
1997 – 1998: INET Global Research LLC, Armenian Branch, Director, Software Development
1994 – 1997: Yerevan Scientific & Research Institute of Mathematical Machines (YSRIMM), Chief Scientific Adviser
1990 – 1994: YSRIMM, Head of Division of Software Engineering
1986 – 1990: YSRIMM, Head of department
1980 – 1986: YSRIMM, Head of laboratory,
1978 – 1980: YSRIMM, Senior scientific associate
1976 – 1978: YSRIMM, Junior scientific associate
1972 - 1973: YSRIMM, Engineer
Research interests
Testing of electronic devices and systems, Formal models of distributed computer systems, Information technologies and architectures for multimedia virtual environments
The courses taught
Operating Systems Design of Embedded Systems
Participation in Grants
2012 – 2014: Grant of OSI Foundation – Armenia, Grant N17508, N18293 “Basic Toolkit for a Comprehensive Course Development and Its Application”, Project Director
2011 - 2013: State Grant No.11-1b292, Scientific Leader
2008 – 2010: State Grant No. 136, Scientific Leader
2005 – 2007: State Grant No. 0122, Scientific Leader
2002 – 2004: State Grant No. 0825, Scientific Leader
2001 - 2005: Grant of OSI Foundation – Armenia, “Development of Distance Learning System for the Secondary school”
2010 - 2012: Grant of the DAAD (Germany)
2007 - 2009: Grant of International Science and Technology Center ISTC (USA, EU, Japan)
2003 - 2006: Grant of International Science and Technology Center ISTC (USA, EU, Japan)
1997 - 1999: Grant of the U.S. CRDF (USA)
1996: Grant of the NATO Science Fellowships Program
1996: Grant of AT & T Bell Labs - Lucent Technologies (USA)
1995: Grant of the DFG (Germany)
1995: Grant of the DAAD (Germany)
1993: Grant of Armenian Professional Society (USA)
1991: Grant of Science and Innovation National Fond (Armenia)
2009: Acknowledgment of Prime-Minister of Armenia
1986: Silver Medal of the Exhibition of National Economic Achievement of the USSR
Armenian, English, Russian (fluent)
1996 - 2000, YSU, Faculty of Oriental Studies (BA degree in Turkish studies)
2000 - 2002, YSU, Faculty of Oriental Studies (MA degree in Turkish studies)
2002 - 2005, YSU, Faculty of Oriental Studies (PhD student in Philology)
Academic degree
PhD - “The prose of Fakir Baykurt” (foreign literature), 2005, YSU (PhD degree in Philology)
Professional experience
2009 - till now YSU, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Deputy dean
2010 - till now YSU, Chair of Turkish studies, Associate professor
2005 - 2010, YSU, Chair of Turkish studies, Assistant professor
Academic courses
Ethnic problems in the Republic of Turkey
National minorities in the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey
Turkish Literature
Turkish language
Scale of professional interests
National minorities of Turkey
The Problems of forcedly converted Armenians
The Armenian subject matter in the Turkish literature
Armenian Turkish relations
Armenian, Russian, Turkish, English
Professional membership
Member of presidium of «Shirak compatriot union», president of youth committee
Member of «The XXI century» journal editorial board
Member of government committee of «Changing of toponymes»
Member of the Scientific Counci of “Noravank” scientific-educational foundationl
Head of Algebra and Geometry Chair
1978-1983 B.Sc.: Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Yerevan State University
1983-1986 PhD: Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Moscow State University
Academic degree
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Candidate thesis: “Method of Diagrams and Groups with Identities”, Moscow State University, 1987 թիվը առանց փակագծերի
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Doctoral thesis: “Automorphisms and subgroups of free Burnside groups”, Russian Academy of Sciences, Steklov Mathematical Institute, 2011
Professional experience
From 2013 to date: Head of Chair of Algebra and Geometry, Yerevan State University
From 2012 to date: Professor, Yerevan State University
1991 – 2012: Assosiate professor, Yerevan State University
1987 – 1991: Assistant professor, Yerevan State University
Academic courses
Algebra and Number Theory, Linear Algebra and Geometry, Mathematical Logic, Combinatorial and Geometric Group Theory
Scale of professional interests
Combinatorial and Geometric Group Theory, Variety of Groups, Periodic Groups, Algorithmic Problems in Algebra
Participation in grant projects
Combinatorial methods and algorithmic problems in group theory and semigroup theory
Structures defined by identities and hyperidentities and its applications
Professional membership
Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Proceedings of the Yerevan State University, Physical and Mathematical Sciences”,
Member of the Editorial Board of the “Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis” (Armenian National Academy of Sciences),
Member of the professional council 050 in YSU,
Member of academic council of Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, YSU.
Awards received
The President Prizes of the Republic of Armenia for the Natural Sciences (2010)
The winner of "The Productive Researcher -2013" contest;
The State Committee of Science RA
Prize for the best scientific work, Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University (2011-2012).
The winner of young scientists' contest in honor of 275-th anniversary of M. Lomonosov, Moscow State University (1986)
Armenian, Russian, French, English
Doctor, Geology and Mineralogy, 1973 (Thesis: “Geology and tectonic history of the Sevan-Shirak Synclinorium”)
PhD, Geology and Mineralogy, National Academy of Sciences, 1959 (Thesis: “Paleogene of Sevan-Shirak Synclinorium”)
Pre-doctoral Study (Aspirantura), Institute of Geology, National Academy of Sciences, 1954-1958 (Specialization: Geology)
BS, School of Geology, Yerevan State University, 1945-1950 (Major: Geology)
1950 - 1952 "Kovkasatsukhtrest"
1952 - 1956 YPI, Chair of geological survey, assistant
1956 - 1961 YSU Faculty of Geology (now Geography and Geology), Senior Lecturer
1961 - 1976 YSU Faculty of Geology (now Geography and Geology), Docent
1977 - 1980 Yerevan State University, Dean of Тhe Faculty of Geology
1978 to date - YSU Faculty of Geology (now Geography and Geology), Professor
1982 - 1997 Chair of Historical and Regional Geology, Head of Chair|
1999 to date - Chair of Historical and Regional Geology Honorary Head of Chair
In 2008 to date - scientific bulletin of the Yerevan State University (geology and geography) editor
Awards received
1987, 2010 - Diplomas of Ministry of Education RA
1999 -.Yerevan State University Gold Medal
1999 - Honorary head of Chair of the Yerevan State University
1972 - ASSR honored geologist
Academic courses
Palaeogeographical research methods
Stratigraphy of Armenia
Oil and gas geology
Methods of stratigraphic research
Sedimentary formations
Professional membership
Membership - Armenian Seismology and Physics of the Earth Association
YSU Scientific Journal (geology and geography) editor
Armenian and Russian (fluent), English (advanced)
Education, Titles
2009 - Doctor of Political Science Degree awarded by The Institute of National Strategic Studies, Ministry of Defense, Republic of Armenia
2008 - The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, USA, Special Extension Program
2007 - The Richard Walker Institute of International and Area Studies, University of South Carolina, USA, Fulbright scholar
2005 - present - Associate Professor
2001 - PhD, Political Science Degree, Institute of Philosophy and Law, National Academy of Science, Republic of Armenia
1993 - 1998 YSU, Faculty of Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology
Professional Experience
2010 - present Editor, Bulletin of Yerevan State University, Sociology and Economics series
2008 - present YSU Sociology Department Chair
2005 - 2008 Deputy Dean, YSU Department of Sociology
2001 - 2005 Assistant Professor, YSU Department of Sociology
Academic courses
Conflict and Communications (MA level course for students in Conflict Studies and Sociology)
Global and Regional Security (MA level course for students in Conflict Studies and Sociology)
Sociology of Communications (MA level course for students in Public Relations and Sociology)
Political Sociology (MA level course for students in Journalism)
Sociology of International Relations (BA level course for students in Sociology and Conflict Studies and Sociology)
Sociology of Mass Media (BA level course for students in Journalism)
International participation
Republic of Armenia, France, Hungary, Ireland, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, USA, Germany
Public activities
2011 - Member of Political Science Association of Armenian
2001 - Advisor of the President, Armenian Philosophical Academy and International Academy for Philosophy
Awards received
2007 - Davit Invincible Medal
2001 - Galoust Gulbenkian Foundation Award “The Best Young Scholar of 2001”
Foreign Languages
English (fluent), Russian (fluent), German (reading level)
Computer skills
Microsoft Office, Internet
E-mail: publishing@ysu.am