Lusine S. Stepanyan
September 2004 – February 2009 Yerevan State University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Human&Animal Physiology, PhD student 2004-2009
Ph.D. Student in Psychophysiology
1993 - 1998 Yerevan State University, Faculty of Biology
Diploma with honor in Biological Sciences
Title: "Research of right hemisphere functional state under 4 hour computer work"
Academic Degree
February 2009 Doctor of Biology, Armenian National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan
PhD thesis title: "Psychophysiological research of the phenomenon of teenage aggression"
Current position Senior researcher, Assistant of Professor
Professional Experience
2011 - 2014 Yerevan State University Laboratory of Experimental Psychology Researcher,
2014 - up to date Yerevan State University Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, Senior researcher
2010 - up to date Yerevan State University, Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology, Chair of General Psychology, Assistant of Professor
2004 - 2010 Yerevan State University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Human & Animal Physiology, Laboratory of Psychophysiology, Researcher
Academic courses
Psychophysiology of Professional Activity, Psychology of Aggressive Behavior, Akmeology, Psychophysiology,General Psychology.
Scale of professional interests
Psychology o Aggressive Behaviour, Psychophisiology of Professional Activity, Akmeology of Professional Activity, Psychodiagnostics
Participation in grant projects
2005 - 2007 YSU, Dep. of human and animal physiology, «Psychophysiological investigation of aggression»,
2008 - 2010, YSU, Dep. of human and animal physiology,«Psychophysiological investigation of conflictness»,
2013 - 2015- YSU, Chair of General Psychology, «The features of spatial orientation’ formation»
Professional memberships
IBRO, Armenian Physiological Society, ASNS
1995 - 1998 – nominal scholarship after L. Orbeli,
Armenian, Russian, English
September 2004 – February 2009 Yerevan State University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Human&Animal Physiology, PhD student 2004-2009
Ph.D. Student in Psychophysiology
1993 - 1998 Yerevan State University, Faculty of Biology
Diploma with honor in Biological Sciences
Title: "Research of right hemisphere functional state under 4 hour computer work"
Academic Degree
February 2009 Doctor of Biology, Armenian National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan
PhD thesis title: "Psychophysiological research of the phenomenon of teenage aggression"
Current position Senior researcher, Assistant of Professor
Professional Experience
2011 - 2014 Yerevan State University Laboratory of Experimental Psychology Researcher,
2014 - up to date Yerevan State University Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, Senior researcher
2010 - up to date Yerevan State University, Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology, Chair of General Psychology, Assistant of Professor
2004 - 2010 Yerevan State University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Human & Animal Physiology, Laboratory of Psychophysiology, Researcher
Academic courses
Psychophysiology of Professional Activity, Psychology of Aggressive Behavior, Akmeology, Psychophysiology,General Psychology.
Scale of professional interests
Psychology o Aggressive Behaviour, Psychophisiology of Professional Activity, Akmeology of Professional Activity, Psychodiagnostics
Participation in grant projects
2005 - 2007 YSU, Dep. of human and animal physiology, «Psychophysiological investigation of aggression»,
2008 - 2010, YSU, Dep. of human and animal physiology,«Psychophysiological investigation of conflictness»,
2013 - 2015- YSU, Chair of General Psychology, «The features of spatial orientation’ formation»
Professional memberships
IBRO, Armenian Physiological Society, ASNS
1995 - 1998 – nominal scholarship after L. Orbeli,
Armenian, Russian, English