February 19 is the birthday of famous Armenian poet Hovhannes Tumanyan.
This day, beginning with 2008, at the initiative of the Chairman of the Writers' Union of Armenia Levon Ananyan is traditionally celebrated as the Book Donation Day. It is celebrated by the Armenian communities in different countries of the world. People donate books to libraries, orphanages, schools, trying to regain its former significance. In these days many young people go to bookstores. In fact, this is some kind of a promotion of reading.
Each year, the RA Ministry of Culture with the support of the RA Writers' Union of Armenia donate books, published by state order to the municipal, regional, as well as Artsakh and Javakhk libraries.
Today, YSU Publishing House also joined this initiative and donated numerous books to a number of universities, schools, YSU lecturers and students.
“Donation of books has become a tradition at YSU. We will do everything possible to expand this initiative. This day is very symbolic. Donating books, we hope that the culture of reading will develop, and many people will have the opportunity to read not only professional, but also fiction books. The main goal is to donate books to the universitarians and to establish the culture of giving books each other among them,” – said Director of YSU Publishing House Karen Grigoryan.
YSU Publishing House has mainly donated education and academic-oriented books.

YSU Publishing House participated in the world’s largest book fair in Frankfurt. Armenian delegation was composed of several representatives of this industry.
The Book Fair was held on October 8-12. It was organized for the 66th time. Representatives of 100 countries visited this event to learn about the latest innovations in the world of books and present their products. Number of visitors of the fair exceeded 300 000, including about 1000 authors from different countries.
The program of the “Frankfurt Book Fair 2014” included 3500 events: presentations, readings, meetings with authors, discussions, concerts, etc. Guests of honor at the fair this year were the representatives of Finland.
This fair is interesting in terms of finding business partners. Annually, more than 7,000 participants present their products and find new partners in different countries.
The Armenian delegation was composed of the Deputy Minister of Culture of Armenia Nerses Ter-Vardanyan, Director of YSU Publishing House Karen Grigoryan, heads of publishing houses “Zangak” and “Antares”, representatives of the center “Book and Publishing Business” and other experts in this field.
Armenian pavilion exhibited the best examples published in recent years with the support of the state or by private publishing houses. In a separate sector there were also presented books about the Armenian Genocide.
YSU Publishing House provided European readers with a book catalog, which included the best books published at YSU from 1920 up to our days.
“We were very impressed with the format and scale of the organization of the fair. This is a very good platform to find partners, see the production of various organizations engaged in publishing business, to present our products and Armenia in general”, - said Karen Grigoryan.
YSU representatives held meetings with the representatives of publishing houses “Springer”, “Oxford University Press” and “Cambridge University Press”, as well as with the leaders of the European Union of Independent Publishers and Association of European University Presses. Agreements for future cooperation and implementation of joint programs were reached.

Today, in the framework of the anniversary events, YSU Publishing House organized a Book Fair.
The participants were YSU Publishing House, "Antares", "Edit Print", "Zangak 97", "Printinfo", "Manmar", as well as the UN Yerevan Office. The books were exhibited in the courtyard of YSU Main Building. And in the library building foyer visitors had the opportunity to see the books about YSU.
The pavilion of YSU Publishing House presented books, published in the recent years with its efforts and the support of Galust Gulbenkian Foundation. Here we should note about monographs, dictionaries, textbooks, educational manuals and guides. Among these publications there are valuable works of Nicholas Adonts, Hrachya Atcharyan, Hakob Manandyan, Manuk Abeghyan, Hrachik Simonyan, as well as works by the outstanding Armenian writers.
We should note that the project “Donation of Books”, which was included in the anniversary events, was launched by YSU Publishing House still in May. Library stocks of regional universities of Armenia, YSU Ijevan Branch, Artsakh State University, military universities of the RA Ministry of Defense and Yerevan public libraries were replenished by many valuable books.
“YSU is a research university and this is reflected in our strategic plans. And as Publishing House is one of the most components in this context, today’s event is of great importance. We have got a leading position in the publishing industry, as our publishing activities go back to the early 1920-s,” – said Director of YSU Publishing House Karen Grigoryan and added that the participants of this Book Fair are mainly publishers of scientific-educational literature.
Karen Grigoryan said that the initiative is successful. The visitors are very active and satisfied as our publishing houses have exhibited good quality, interesting and unique books.
Here are the opinions and wishes of the participants of the Book Fair.
““Zangak 97” Publishing House has presented today the literature, published in the period of last two years, the part of which has recently received various awards during the award ceremony “Book Art”. We are happy we are participating in the fair. We believe through such events visitors will have the opportunity to learn about new publications. We wish YSU success, and let your students always shine with their knowledge.”
Leila Arakelyan
Project Manager of “Zangak-97” Publishing House
“I have to say all the pavilions are full of very interesting literature, which will enrich every reader’s library. This is really a great and praiseworthy initiative, even more; it is the most significant and fundamental among the anniversary events. I would like to wish YSU success, quality education. University is the center which has a special place in everyone’s life. Every time I come here, I experience genuine awe.”
Edik Minasyan
Dean of the Faculty of History
“We are very happy that such an event has been organized, this is a good opportunity to introduce ourselves the university, in particular young people. Everyone is quite active, which is undoubtedly very good. Maybe people might not have time to enter the bookstore during the day, and today’s event is to fill this gap. So, here is a very good and positive atmosphere. Even if YSU students continue their studies abroad, let them return and have their contribution to the development of YSU.”
Nare Athoyan
Employee at “Antares” Publishing House
“It is a very interesting initiative, a really wonderful idea. For me this is a double celebration, as I am YSU alumnus. I should note we participate with great pleasure, always ready to participate in the joint upcoming events. We present fiction literature, as I think this is more interesting for the HEI. We also have a special children’s literature for parents. I wish YSU to continue its mission, in addition to training specialists to inspire students with patriotic feelings, which are the best values for becoming a citizen.”
Shavarsh Karapetyan
Director of marketing of “Edit Print” Publishing House
“Indeed, we welcome this initiative. The number of visitors and students is less than expected, but I think participating in such events will have a positive impact regarding the cooperation development. I wish YSU new developments. The current situation is not very satisfactory, but I am sure that the potential we have can help us do more and achieve better results.”
Mihran Barseghyan
Representative of Publishing House “Manmar”
“This is a very nice event. The visitors are quite active, which is very good. We present literature on very topical issues, such as migration or trafficking. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to participate in these events. The cooperation between the UN and YSU is quite effective, and I am sure our cooperation will be continued. I should note that the level of education has always been high at YSU, and I am sure it will be high in future, too. I am YSU alumnus and I am proud of it.”
Hasmik Sargsyan
Librarian at the UN Yerevan Office, Public Information Department Officer

Today, YSU delegation, headed by Vice-rector Ruben Markosyan, visited Gyumri Technological Centre, which is located in the building of former Trade School, where the solemn opening ceremony of YSU has been held.
YSU delegation was composed of the Director of YSU Publishing House Karen Grigoryan, Dean of the Faculty of Armenian Philology Artsrun Avagyan, Head of Chair of Armenian Literature Samvel Muradyan, Head of the Division on Student Affairs Vahagn Varagyan, Chairman of YSU Student Council Raffi Karamyan and others.
“Such events are an excellent opportunity to strengthen the cooperation between universities. This step, directed to the strengthening of partnership, is remarkable by the fact that this year Gyumri State Pedagogical Institute celebrates its 80th anniversary of foundation,” - said Vice-rector on Students, Alumni and Public Relations Ruben Markosyan.
It should be noted that in the framework of the anniversary events, scheduled for May, donations of literature, published by YSU Publishing House, are envisaged. This literature will be donated to the RA regional libraries, YSU Ijevan Branch, Artsakh State University, military institutes of the RA Ministry of Defense and the libraries of our capital.
This initiative is aimed to the availability of literature at the regional universities and military-oriented educational institutions. Exhibitions are also expected in these institutions, which will introduce the visitors this literature.
The first exhibition-donation was organized at the Gyumri State Pedagogical Institute, where our delegation presented about 300 pieces of literature.
“We have generally donated guides, manuals and textbooks, most of which were published with the support of the Galust Gyulbenkyan Foundation. We are sure these books are of great importance for the regional libraries,” – said Karen Grigoryan and added that our delegation will also visit Vanadzor State University after H. Tumanyan.
Exhibition-donation ceremonies will be also held in Gavar State University, Goris State University, Matenadaran of Mother See of Holy Echmiadzin, Central Library after Av. Isahakyan, RA MD Military Institute after Vazgen Sargsyan, RA MD Military Aviation Institute after Armenak Khanperyants, as well as RA MD Military and Sports College after Monte Melkonyan.
In recent years, with the efforts of YSU Publishing House and support of Galust Gyulbenkyan Foundation hundreds of books have been published, including monographs, dictionaries, textbooks, manuals and guides. Here we should note about the valuable works by Nicholas Adonts, Hrachya Atcharyan, Hakob Manandyan, Manuk Abeghyan, Hrachik Simonyan, as well as other works by the Armenian writers.
We should add that about 100 books in Russian and English languages are also included in the list of donation.
The last donation will take place on May 30 at the Central Library after Av. Isahakyan.
By the way, in the period of the last two years, YSU has been recognized as the “Most Reading HEI” by the management of the Central Library after Av. Isahakyan and received the corresponding certificate. This library has about 4000 readers from YSU.