ISBN 978-5-8084-1969-8
In the author’s first and second novels dedicated to the Armenian Genocide, “Armenian Family Tree” and “Armenian Testament”, the epic period of the history of the Armenian people from 1885 to 1920 was described in its historical cradle. As for the third novel of the trilogy “The White Mountain”, although it presents the story of the declaration of independence of the Republic of Lebanon (1909-1935), it nevertheless presents the reader a complex world with its political conspiracies and the situation created during the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, where the Armenian Genocide was implemented by the Young Turks. The reader also learns about the mass massacres of Armenians in Cilicia and the displacement of the Armenian population, the creation of the State of Israel and the situation in the Arab world.
“The White Mountain” is a wonderful documentary novel, in which the author’s sympathy and attitude towards the Armenian people and their culture are shown. The book is intended for a wide range of readers.

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