Varduhi Papoyan, Alina Galstyan, Diana Sargsyan: Psychological assessment of the training of specialist
Tests and exercises, Yerevan, YSU Publishing House, 2020, 198 pages
ISBN 978-5-8084-2460-9
ISBN 978-5-8084-2460-9
The manual is written under the code “18T-5A056” funded by the RA Committee of Science within the framework of the topic “Psychological assessment of a person in the process of professional training”. This manual is devoted to the issue of psychological evaluation of professional training. It includes both theoretical analysis, the developed and localized psychological assessment toolkit with relevant tests and questionnaires.
The manual includes practical exercises, which have been tested among the students of secondary and higher education institutions. The manual can be used by psychologists and pedagogues of educational institutions. (in Armenian)

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