Tigran Simyan: "Yerevan State University: semiotics of space, intellectual landscape, social memory"
Yerevan: YSU Publishing House, 2021, 102 p.
ISBN 978-5-8084-2488-3
ISBN 978-5-8084-2488-3
The monograph examines the semiotic space of the interior and exterior of Yerevan State University. Particular attention is paid to the foyer of the main building, the structure of the university museum, cultural artifacts, as well as the exterior space, bas-reliefs, sculptures, cross-stones, a blossoming cross-staff, graffiti dedicated to those who died in Karabakh in 2016.
The book can be useful for semiotics of culture, researchers of urban space, culturologists, religious scholars, as well as anyone interested in historical, social and cultural memory.

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Каринэ Халатова
Karine Khalatova: Fearless woman. The last years of Zabel Yesayan's life in documents, letters, memoirs