The Ethical Teaching of Grigor Tatevatsi
Yerevan, Preprint, YSU Press, 2020, p. 196
ISBN 978-5-8084-2457-9
ISBN 978-5-8084-2457-9
The book discusses issues related to the ethical views of St. Grigor Tatevatsi (1346-1409), the greatest representative of medieval Armenian theological and philosophical thought, the tutor of Tatev University, which relate to the status of man in the universe, his nature and essence, moral responsibility towards creatures, human sovereignty, reason and to the relationship between will, divine providence and human freedom, good and evil, human moral actions, sins and virtues, human earthly life, blissful existence, death, salvation and resurrection.
The work is intended for those interested in the history of Armenian theoretical thought, as well as history of philosophy and theology.

Սեյրան Զաքարյան Հրաչիկ Միրզոյան and others
Հայ փիլիսոփայությունը ազգային ինքնության հարացույցների կառուցարկման ու արդիականացման համատեքստում