Workshop on Russian Spelling
Yerevan, YSU press, 2022, 396 p.
ISBN 978-5-8084-2581-1
ISBN 978-5-8084-2581-1
The textbook "Workshop on Russian Spelling" contains an almost complete set of rules for Russian spelling, which are presented in the form of infograms. Each infogram is followed by a set of exercises.
The manual contains 114 infogram tables, 98 tables with words and phrases, the spelling of which is not regulated by the rules, 17 dictionaries (3441 words), 572 exercises, 15 generalizing complex tasks.
The textbook "Workshop on Russian Spelling" is intended for Russian language learners and anyone who wants to improve their writing skills.

Сусанна Лалаян Марина Айвазян and others
Русский язык: Учебник для гуманитарных факультетов вузов Армении

Ануш Акопян
Anush Hakobyan: Russian language. Textbook for French departments of the universities of Armenia

Белла Ходжумян
Соматические фразеологизмы (сопоставительное описание русских и армянских соматических фразеологизмов)