Professional Self-Determination and Selection (training course)
Hrant Avanesyan, Varduhi Papoyan, Alina Galstyan, Diana Sargsyan
YSU Publishing House, Yerevan 2023, 44 pages
ISBN 978-5-8084-2604-7
YSU Publishing House, Yerevan 2023, 44 pages
ISBN 978-5-8084-2604-7
This training course contains theoretical materials related to the prerequisites for preparing a future specialist, the formation of a professional image and identity. The course includes psychological assessment tools, psychodiagnostic tests and methodologies, practical exercises and techniques.
Topics on professional self-determination and choice are aimed at the development of psychopedagogical abilities of pedagogues, psychologists, social pedagogues and social workers working with high school students to self-determine, orient and effectively support students as future professionals.
The course was developed as a result of the training of school teachers, pedagogues and psychologists organized in cooperation with YSU Center for Admission and Affairs with Applicants.

Հովհաննես Հովհաննիսյան Ալեքսան Բաղդասարյան and others
A Repository of Exercises and Practical Tasks in Logic

Վարդուհի Պապոյան Ալինա Գալստյան and others
Varduhi Papoyan, Alina Galstyan, Diana Sargsyan: Psychological assessment of the training of specialist

Հրանտ Ավանեսյան Նարինե Հարությունյան and others
Զինվորի հոգեկան հատկությունների գնահատման և զարգացման մեթոդներ