Russian Language: Special Texts and Assignments
Susanna Kocharyan, Emma Sagoyan
Russian Language: Special Texts and Assignments(for students of the faculties of history), Yerevan, YSU press, 2023, 224 с.
ISBN 978-5-8084-2621-4
Russian Language: Special Texts and Assignments(for students of the faculties of history), Yerevan, YSU press, 2023, 224 с.
ISBN 978-5-8084-2621-4
This manual is intended for students of the faculties of history of the Armenian universities and, along with the main textbook, it forms an integral part of the Russian language course curriculum.
It is professionally oriented and designed to facilitate the acquisition, comprehension and reproduction of specialized vocabulary and texts, as well as development of fluency in the process of discussing specialized topics.
The manual can also be used as a supplementary material for other faculties of humanities and chairs at the Armenian universities.

Сусанна Лалаян Марина Айвазян and others
Русский язык: Учебник для гуманитарных факультетов вузов Армении

Ануш Акопян
Anush Hakobyan: Russian language. Textbook for French departments of the universities of Armenia

Белла Ходжумян
Соматические фразеологизмы (сопоставительное описание русских и армянских соматических фразеологизмов)