Yerevan: YSU press, 2023, p. 144
ISBN 978-5-8084-2622-1
Usually, psychology is observed by the scientific community as a young discipline, and clinical psychology even younger. In contrast, the “biography” of clinical psychology starts from the beginnings of the formation of human self-consciousness, absorbing the history of medicine and philosophy. It is definitely connected not only with the problem of the relationship between body and soul, but with the tripartite union of body, soul and spirit, in which the soul is assigned the role of a restless mediator between them. The author makes an attempt to extract precious markers of these correlations from the history of science, and therefore includes names that were not previously mentioned in the context of the history of clinical psychology.
The book is addressed to master students in the field of specialization “Clinical Psychology”, as well as to everyone who is interested in the ways that lead to solving the problems facing the science of psychology.

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