Mystical Theology
Compiled and annotated by: Hakob Kyoseyan, Preprint, Yerevan, YSU Publishing House, 2023, 298 pages
ISBN 978-5-8084-2639-9
ISBN 978-5-8084-2639-9
The purpose of preparing and publishing this manual is to outline, as far as possible, the general picture of mystical theology, including its most characteristic features. According to this, the manual presents the main patterns of the phenomenon, with the etymology of the edges indicating the realities of the Symbol, the main currents of mysticism in the early Church, the peacemaking, occupying a central place in the mentality of the Middle Ages, the Western Church, the most widespread mysticism in the European Middle Ages. An attempt has been made to more thoroughly cover the doctrinal views of the thinkers who played an important role in theology.
In the "Notes" section, additional explanations are given, those moments of the symbolic thinking are recorded, which are closely related to the mystical concept of the Armenian Church.
This manual is for educational purposes only. It can be used to teach Mystical Theology.

Աննա Աբաջյան Նարինե Դիլբարյան and others
Grabar (Old Armenian) as a Source of Enrichment and Term-Formation of Contemporary Armenian Vocabulary

А.Г. Саркисян Мартирян Н.И. and others
Русский язык: (Пособие для студентов богословского факультета)

Ա.Լ. Արզումանյան
Ա.Լ. Արզումանյան
Էսխատաբանական խնդիրները մուսուլմանական գրականության մեջ
Էսխատաբանական խնդիրները մուսուլմանական գրականության մեջ