Yerevan, YSU Press 2024, p. 190
ISBN 978-5-8084-2677-1
Emotions have always been an inseparable part of cognition, mentality, language and thought. Currently, this fact can probably be explained by the global changes taking place in the world, including the rapid development of new information technologies. Modern means of communication, and especially the internet, facilitate crosscultural communication, which is filled with emotions. Emotions are diverse, so there are many emotional expressive elements in language used in communication.
The aim of the monograph is the investigation of linguopragmatic and linguo-cognitive peculiarities of emotional expressive elements in online communication. We explain the nature, types and functions of online communication, study the peculiarities of the use of emotional expressive elements in English internet discourse, examine the role and significance of extralinguistic expressions of emotions in online communication. The study of the peculiarities of online electronic language is relevant not only because it is actual in our contemporary life, but also because it helps to reveal some important features of social psychology and individual linguistic consciousness. Of particular interest is the study of the multi-faceted examination and use of emotional-expressive elements in expressive speech acts in online discourse. From this point of view, changes in language directly manifested in online communication are of special importance.
Thus, we can conclude that communication may depend on the way the language is used, which is not devoid of emotions.
Marine Mkrtchyan Armenuhi Martirosyan and others
Նաիրա Պողոսյան
Seda Gasparyan Anna Knyazyan and others
Հասմիկ Բաղդասարյան Մերի Մարտիրոսյան
Ануш Акопян