Yerevan, YSU Press, 2024, p. 100
ISBN 978-5-8084-2688-7
The theoretical and applied materials titled “Professional Psychosocial Competencies” explore the development of competencies shaped through educational, professional, and work activities. In the process of personal development and self-realization, professional competencies occupy a significant place, which are based not only on knowledge and skills, but also on resources. The work was supported by the Higher Education and Science Committee of the RA MESCS, in the framework of research project No 21T-5A044.
Our research introduces a model that demonstrates positive correlations between personal factors, motivational components, and indicators aimed at fulfilling individual needs. These elements are foundational for the development of essential competencies in the context of professional activity.

Դավիթ Աﬕրյան Մարիամ Մուրադյան and others

David Amiryan Mariam Muradian and others

Նարինե Խաչատրյան Անի Գրիգորյան and others

Աստղիկ Սերոբյան Անի Գրիգորյան and others

Դավիթ Գեւորգյան Եվա Ասրիբաբայան and others

Վարդուհի Պապոյան Ալինա Գալստյան and others

Ռուբեն Աղուզումցյան Վարդուհի Պապոյան and others