Yerevan, YSU Press, 2024, p. 172
ISBN 978-5-8084-2687-0
The present research aims to carry out a contrastive analysis of phraseological units with names of animals (Zoonyms) in the mentioned languages. The relevance of this work is due to modern interest in comparative typological works and lack of comprehensive study of the topic in the professional literature, despite the abundance of phraseological dictionaries, scientific works and related studies. Moreover, there is a lack of comprehensive analysis of Spanish and Armenian phraseological units and many issues related to this area still require further study. The choice of the topic is defined by inadequate knowledge of phraseological elements that contain names of animals, which most clearly and directly reflect the selected cultural traditions of a given nation and the features of national mentality. The novelty of this monograph lies primarily in its exploration of a previously unaddressed issue. It marks the first attempt to conduct a comparative analysis of phraseological units found in Spanish and Armenian dictionaries, specifically those featuring animal names and the features of synonymy and antonymy of animal names in the Spanish and Armenian languages, namely the issues of verbal and phrasal synonymy as well as the effectiveness of phrase formation in both languages.

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