


Academic Books
Coverage of the Turkish-Armenian war of 1920 in the Boston daily newspaper "Hayrenik"
Yerevan, YSU Press, 2024, p. 238

ISBN 978-5-8084-2685-6

DOI: https://doi.org/10.46991/YSUPH/9785808426856

An analysis of the coverage of the 1920 Turkish-Armenian war in the Boston-based "Hairenik" daily newspaper provides insights into the information available to Armenian-Americans regarding military operations during that era. The analyses and commentaries are of particular interest. The articles demonstrate the prevailing sentiments among Armenian-American Dashnaks. There are frequent attempts to explain the negative consequences of the war solely by external factors. These attempts note that the government of the Republic of Armenia did everything possible to prevent defeat. It is notable that there is a tendency to overestimate one's own forces and to underestimate the opponent.

A significant proportion of the publications in question are devoted to the criticism of parties that are opposed to the ARF (Armenian Revolutionary Federation). The most noteworthy articles relate to the dissemination of false information. One particularly notable example is the recapture of Kars by Armenians. Information is circulated about the capture of Armenian Bolsheviks who were fighting on the Turkish side.

Academic Books | History