


Academic Books
Today, the Institute for Armenian Studies of Yerevan State University hosted the presentation of the monograph written by the Director of the Armenian Studies Centre of Rostov, Candidate of Historical Sciences Sergei Sayadov “At the roots of Russian Armenian Studies: historiographical review.”

Executive Director of the Armenian community of Rostov “New Nakhichevan” Russian historian Sergei Sayadov for many years has been engaged in the study of historical issues of 18-19 centuries and today he presented this all in his new monograph.

“Publication of the book is like a birth of a child, and I want to share my joy with you,” - said the author.

Deputy Director of the Institute for Armenian Studies of Yerevan State University Mher Hovhannisyan pointed out in his welcoming remarks that this book is very significant because of not only its historiographical value, but also this is an important step after many years of interruption of cooperation with the Russian experts in the area of Armenian Studies.

“Today we have a double joy, because the Armenian Studies Centre, which is headed by Mr. Sayadov has been founded by YSU together with the community “New Nakhichevan”. Today we see the first results of the work of this Centre,” - said Mher Hovhannisyan.

Sergei Sayadov noted how he was surprised by the history of the Armenian people, written by historian Glinka, who has been engaged in the studies of Russian history his entire life. Mr. Sayadov also said that for 4 years he has studied the archives to find the links between Glinka and Lazaryans.

In addition to this monograph today there was also presented the book “Collection of acts relating to the Review of history of the Armenian people”, composed by Sergei Sayadov, editor of the book became YSU Rector Aram Simonyan. This is the first volume of the famous three-volume edition, prepared by Glinka at the order of Lazaryans. Work of Glinka became one of the largest documentary collections of the Armenian part of Russian history. Published in 1830, the collection was no longer published. So far, the first volume of the collection has been only published.

“This work gave a start to a new period of research of Armenian studies in Russia. This book is a comprehensive work, rich in sources. When I showed the book Aram Simonyan, he knew there is no sample of this book in Armenia, and immediately ordered to begin works on its publication,” - said Sergey Sayadov.

After the presentation of the book, everybody thanked Sergey Sayadov for this wonderful work.

“I want to express my admiration for the publication of valuable books. Once again, I congratulate our Mr. Sayadov for his contribution to the Armenian studies,”- said the Dean of YSU Faculty of History Edik Minasyan.

YSU Publishing House published these books at the initiative of YSU Institute for Armenian Studies.