Marianna M. Ohanyan
2010 - 2013: Yerevan State University, the Researcher of English Philology Department
1999 - 2001: Yerevan State University, the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology (Master’s Degree)
1995 - 1999: Yerevan State University, the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology (Bachelor’s Degree)
Professinal Experience
2013 - to present: Assistant professor, Department of Linguistics and Cross-cultural Communication (English)
2012 - 2013: Lecturer, Department of Linguistics and Cross-cultural Communication (English)
2010 - 2012: Lecturer, English Philology Department
2003 - 2010: Senior Laboratory Assistant, English Philology Department
Academic Courses
Scale of professional Interests
Stylistics, Functional Stylistics, Discourse, Medical Discourse.
Armenian, Russian, English (fluent), German (good)
Professional membership
AASE (Armenian Association for the Study of English)
2010 - 2013: Yerevan State University, the Researcher of English Philology Department
1999 - 2001: Yerevan State University, the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology (Master’s Degree)
1995 - 1999: Yerevan State University, the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology (Bachelor’s Degree)
Professinal Experience
2013 - to present: Assistant professor, Department of Linguistics and Cross-cultural Communication (English)
2012 - 2013: Lecturer, Department of Linguistics and Cross-cultural Communication (English)
2010 - 2012: Lecturer, English Philology Department
2003 - 2010: Senior Laboratory Assistant, English Philology Department
Academic Courses
Scale of professional Interests
Stylistics, Functional Stylistics, Discourse, Medical Discourse.
Armenian, Russian, English (fluent), German (good)
Professional membership
AASE (Armenian Association for the Study of English)