Aida B. Iskoyan
ENHESA Program “Update on MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) Legislation” Expert, (2010)
Comprehensive “Analysis of realization state of Human environmental Rights in RA” (OSCE and Human Rights Defender Office of RA), Expert, (2009)
REC-Caucasus Program “Sustainable Land Management for Mitigating Land Degradation and Reducing Poverty in the South Caucasus Region”, Expert, (2009 - 2010)
Task Force Group on Public Participation Issues (UNECE Aarhus Convention), Vice-chair (2009-present)
ENHESA Program “Update on MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) Legislation”, Expert (2009)
UNDP Program “Institutional and legal analysis for supporting development of Institutional and Legal Capacity to Optimize Information and Monitoring System for Global Environmental Management in Armenia”. Coordinator (2009)
Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia, Board Member (2009-present)
Environmental Law Resource Centre of Yerevan State University, Head of the Centre (2008-present)
Organization and holding public hearing “On Final disposal of irradiated nuclear fuel of Armenian nuclear power station in Metsamor” (2007)
Validation of Forest Regulations in Armenia under the funding of the FAO National Forest Program Facility
Project Coordinator (2007-2008)
UNECE, Expert (2006-present)
Training for judjes on environmental law and Aarhus Convention’s matters, Kiev 2007,
Expert OSCE Project “Capacity Building on the Third Pillar of the Aarhus Convention-Access to Justice”, Project Coordinator (2007)
UNDP project “Promoting Public Participation in Drafting Legal Framework on Sustainable Development”
Project Coordinator (2006)
OSI project “Foundation of Public Ecological Council with a view to formation of policy of public participation in the process of preparation of environmental plans and programs”, Project Coordinator (2006 - 2007)
OSCE Project "The Aarhus Convention and the Convention’s Implementation progress in the Republic of Armenia" publication (2006)
OSCE Project “Training for advocates, judges and legal advisers about the issues of the Aarhus Convention”, Project Coordinator (2005)
OSCE Project “Environmental law of the Republic of Armenia” (collection of normative-legal acts) (2004)
FUND EURASIA PROGRAM «Improvement of the legislation of South Caucasus Countries in the sphere of protection, management and use of water resources», Project Coordinator (2003 - 2004)
Yerevan State University, Faculty of Law, Department of Civil Procedural Law Head of Chair of Civil Law Procedure (2003-2007)
Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention), Focal point of Aarhus Convention in Armenia (2002 - present)
Environmental Information, Education and Public Awareness, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, Project funded by the European Union, National Team Leader (2002 - 2004)
UNECE Working Group on Preparation of the First Meeting of Parties, Working Group Expert on Genetically Modified Organisms (2001 - present)
REC-Regional Environmental Center for the Caucasus, NGO sector Representative from Armenia (2000 - 2006 May)
Focal point on Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters
(2000 -present)
Adviser to Ministry of Nature Protection of RA (2000 - present)
Draft Law “On Lake Sevan” Legal Expert (1999 - 2000)
National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia: Standing Committee on Social, Environmental and Health Issues
Independent expert (non-paid) (1999-present)
Environmental Law Association of Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States, Member of the Advisory Board (1999 - present)
United Nations Environmental Programme Network under the Joint Project “Strategy for Compliance with the UN/ECE Water Convention and Guidelines on Public Participation in River Basin Management”, Legal Expert (1999)
IUCN Commission on Environmental Law (CEL), Member of the Steering Committee (2008 - present)
Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, Aarhus, Denmark - forth Pan-European Conference of Ministers of Environment, National Reporter (representative of REC NGO Coalition) (June 1998)
National Environment Action Plan (Project of World Bank), Leader. Working Group 1-Environment: Policy, Legislation and Institutions (May 1997-1998 Nov.)
UNDP and Embassy of France in Armenia Project “Program on Protection of Lake Sevan Basin”, Legal Expert
Environmental Public Advocacy Centre (EPAC), NGO, President (Jan 1997 - present)
Center on Legal Cooperation, Leiden, Holland (preparation of the draft model civil code), Legal Expert from Armenia, (July-August 1995)
State Commission on Drafting the Land Code of Armenia, Legal Advisor (Oct.1990-Feb. 1991)
Supreme Court of Armenia, Public Junior in the Chamber of Criminal Cases (1984-1996)
Yerevan State University, Faculty of Law Professor (Environmental law, Land law, International Environmental law) (1962- present)
Yerevan State University Department of Law, Degree: Diploma of Lawyer, 1962
Major: Civil law, Environmental law, Land law
International Environmental Law School, Tallinn, Estonia, Degree: Certificate of Completion, 1981
Major: International Legal Protection of the Environment (European school of law)
Institute of State and Law-Academy of Science, Moscow, Degree: Candidate of Legal Science, 1985
Major: Environment Law
Department of Law, Croatia
Practical Legal Education Courses (project of ABA/CEELI), 1997
Environmental Impact Assessment Course, ABA/CEELI/US EPA, Yerevan, Armenia, 1999
Training for National teams-participants of EU program “Environmental Information, Education and Public Awareness” Likani, Georgia, 2003, Certificate.
Participation and presentation on international, regional and national conferences
Membership of the 12 organizations
Armenian - native, Excellent knowledge of Russian, Good knowledge of English
2013: awarded Mkhitar Gosh medal
(+374 60) 71-02-44 (inner line 12-44)
ENHESA Program “Update on MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) Legislation” Expert, (2010)
Comprehensive “Analysis of realization state of Human environmental Rights in RA” (OSCE and Human Rights Defender Office of RA), Expert, (2009)
REC-Caucasus Program “Sustainable Land Management for Mitigating Land Degradation and Reducing Poverty in the South Caucasus Region”, Expert, (2009 - 2010)
Task Force Group on Public Participation Issues (UNECE Aarhus Convention), Vice-chair (2009-present)
ENHESA Program “Update on MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) Legislation”, Expert (2009)
UNDP Program “Institutional and legal analysis for supporting development of Institutional and Legal Capacity to Optimize Information and Monitoring System for Global Environmental Management in Armenia”. Coordinator (2009)
Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia, Board Member (2009-present)
Environmental Law Resource Centre of Yerevan State University, Head of the Centre (2008-present)
Organization and holding public hearing “On Final disposal of irradiated nuclear fuel of Armenian nuclear power station in Metsamor” (2007)
Validation of Forest Regulations in Armenia under the funding of the FAO National Forest Program Facility
Project Coordinator (2007-2008)
UNECE, Expert (2006-present)
Training for judjes on environmental law and Aarhus Convention’s matters, Kiev 2007,
Expert OSCE Project “Capacity Building on the Third Pillar of the Aarhus Convention-Access to Justice”, Project Coordinator (2007)
UNDP project “Promoting Public Participation in Drafting Legal Framework on Sustainable Development”
Project Coordinator (2006)
OSI project “Foundation of Public Ecological Council with a view to formation of policy of public participation in the process of preparation of environmental plans and programs”, Project Coordinator (2006 - 2007)
OSCE Project "The Aarhus Convention and the Convention’s Implementation progress in the Republic of Armenia" publication (2006)
OSCE Project “Training for advocates, judges and legal advisers about the issues of the Aarhus Convention”, Project Coordinator (2005)
OSCE Project “Environmental law of the Republic of Armenia” (collection of normative-legal acts) (2004)
FUND EURASIA PROGRAM «Improvement of the legislation of South Caucasus Countries in the sphere of protection, management and use of water resources», Project Coordinator (2003 - 2004)
Yerevan State University, Faculty of Law, Department of Civil Procedural Law Head of Chair of Civil Law Procedure (2003-2007)
Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention), Focal point of Aarhus Convention in Armenia (2002 - present)
Environmental Information, Education and Public Awareness, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, Project funded by the European Union, National Team Leader (2002 - 2004)
UNECE Working Group on Preparation of the First Meeting of Parties, Working Group Expert on Genetically Modified Organisms (2001 - present)
REC-Regional Environmental Center for the Caucasus, NGO sector Representative from Armenia (2000 - 2006 May)
Focal point on Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters
(2000 -present)
Adviser to Ministry of Nature Protection of RA (2000 - present)
Draft Law “On Lake Sevan” Legal Expert (1999 - 2000)
National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia: Standing Committee on Social, Environmental and Health Issues
Independent expert (non-paid) (1999-present)
Environmental Law Association of Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States, Member of the Advisory Board (1999 - present)
United Nations Environmental Programme Network under the Joint Project “Strategy for Compliance with the UN/ECE Water Convention and Guidelines on Public Participation in River Basin Management”, Legal Expert (1999)
IUCN Commission on Environmental Law (CEL), Member of the Steering Committee (2008 - present)
Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, Aarhus, Denmark - forth Pan-European Conference of Ministers of Environment, National Reporter (representative of REC NGO Coalition) (June 1998)
National Environment Action Plan (Project of World Bank), Leader. Working Group 1-Environment: Policy, Legislation and Institutions (May 1997-1998 Nov.)
UNDP and Embassy of France in Armenia Project “Program on Protection of Lake Sevan Basin”, Legal Expert
Environmental Public Advocacy Centre (EPAC), NGO, President (Jan 1997 - present)
Center on Legal Cooperation, Leiden, Holland (preparation of the draft model civil code), Legal Expert from Armenia, (July-August 1995)
State Commission on Drafting the Land Code of Armenia, Legal Advisor (Oct.1990-Feb. 1991)
Supreme Court of Armenia, Public Junior in the Chamber of Criminal Cases (1984-1996)
Yerevan State University, Faculty of Law Professor (Environmental law, Land law, International Environmental law) (1962- present)
Yerevan State University Department of Law, Degree: Diploma of Lawyer, 1962
Major: Civil law, Environmental law, Land law
International Environmental Law School, Tallinn, Estonia, Degree: Certificate of Completion, 1981
Major: International Legal Protection of the Environment (European school of law)
Institute of State and Law-Academy of Science, Moscow, Degree: Candidate of Legal Science, 1985
Major: Environment Law
Department of Law, Croatia
Practical Legal Education Courses (project of ABA/CEELI), 1997
Environmental Impact Assessment Course, ABA/CEELI/US EPA, Yerevan, Armenia, 1999
Training for National teams-participants of EU program “Environmental Information, Education and Public Awareness” Likani, Georgia, 2003, Certificate.
Participation and presentation on international, regional and national conferences
Membership of the 12 organizations
Armenian - native, Excellent knowledge of Russian, Good knowledge of English
2013: awarded Mkhitar Gosh medal
(+374 60) 71-02-44 (inner line 12-44)