Albert A. Makaryan
1982 - 1985: Yerevan State University, the faculty of Armenian Philology,post-graduate of the Chair of Armenian Literature
1976 - 1981: Yerevan State University, Department of Armenian Language and Literature at the faculty of Armenian Philology
Academic degree
candidate – “ National Big Shots”, 1986, Yerevan State University
doctoral – “The Western Armenian Literary Portrait”, 2002, Yerevan State University
Professional experience
2005 - up to now: Professor at the Chair of Armenian Literature in Yerevan State University
1986 - 2005: Assistant professor at the Chair of Armenian Literature in Yerevan State University
1981 - 1986: Assistant at the Chair of Armenian Literature in Yerevan State University
Academic courses
History of the Armenian New Literature of the 19th century
Hakob Paronyan and traditions of Armenian Satire
Armenian Satire
Scale of professional interests
Western Armenian Literature
Armenian New Literature
Armenian,Russian, German (reads and translates with the help of dictionary)
Professional membership
2003 - up to now: HAC RA (Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Armenia) secretary of 012 Council of Literary Criticism awarding degrees of doctor of Philological Sciences
2001- up to now: secretary of the faculty of Armenian Philology in Yerevan State University
1982 - 1985: Yerevan State University, the faculty of Armenian Philology,post-graduate of the Chair of Armenian Literature
1976 - 1981: Yerevan State University, Department of Armenian Language and Literature at the faculty of Armenian Philology
Academic degree
candidate – “ National Big Shots”, 1986, Yerevan State University
doctoral – “The Western Armenian Literary Portrait”, 2002, Yerevan State University
Professional experience
2005 - up to now: Professor at the Chair of Armenian Literature in Yerevan State University
1986 - 2005: Assistant professor at the Chair of Armenian Literature in Yerevan State University
1981 - 1986: Assistant at the Chair of Armenian Literature in Yerevan State University
Academic courses
History of the Armenian New Literature of the 19th century
Hakob Paronyan and traditions of Armenian Satire
Armenian Satire
Scale of professional interests
Western Armenian Literature
Armenian New Literature
Armenian,Russian, German (reads and translates with the help of dictionary)
Professional membership
2003 - up to now: HAC RA (Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Armenia) secretary of 012 Council of Literary Criticism awarding degrees of doctor of Philological Sciences
2001- up to now: secretary of the faculty of Armenian Philology in Yerevan State University