Alexander A. Markarov
2010: Doctor of Sciences Degree (Dr. Habil.) in Political Science Areas of Concentration: Post-Soviet Politics, Semipresidentialism, Regimes and democratization in NIS. Dissertation Title: Semipresidentialism in the Post-Soviet Region
1996: Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Degree
Areas of Concentration: Theories of Democracy, Forms of Democratic Government, Democratic Transitions, Executive-Legislative Relations, Electoral Systems in Armenia and other NIS countries. Dissertation Title: “The Legislative Authority of the Republic of Armenia During the Process of Founding Independent Statehood”
1993 - 1996: Post-graduate student (Aspirant), Yerevan State University, Department of Political Science
1994: Institute Certificate received for participation in three-week intensive graduate program of studies in the Social Science held under auspices of the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research (New York) and in collaboration with International Cultural Center. Krakow, Poland.
1988 - 1993: Yerevan State University, Faculty of History. Diploma of Higher Education. Graduation with Distinction.
1990 - 1991: One year study abroad. Makerere University, Art Faculty, Kampala, Uganda.
Professional Experience
2008 - present: Deputy Vice Rector for Scientific Policy and International Cooperation and
Head, International Cooperation Office, Yerevan State University.
Management and overall responsibility for YSU international academic, educational and scientific collaboration. Supervision of the activities of International Relations, Grants, Diaspora and Foreign Students Departments.
Member of YSU Academic Council, YSU Rectorate and Rector’s Council.
Member of YSU strategic planning committee (SPC)
In 2006 - 2008: Head, International Cooperation Office, Yerevan State University.
2004 - present: Associate Professor of Political Science, Yerevan State University, Armenia. Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses; developing new course curricula; supervision of Ph.D. and master’s theses, bachelor’s final papers and course works.
Since 2005: member of the pre-PhD defense Political Science Examination board.
Courses taught: Research Methods in Political Science; Political Sociology; Theory of Democracy; Transitology; Public Administration; History and Theory of Parliamentarism; Contemporary Schools in Political Science; Introduction to Political Science.
In 1997 - 2004: Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science.
In 1997 - 1998: also taught at Ijevan Branch of Yerevan State University
2004 - present: Associate Professor of Political Science, UNESCO Chair of Human Rights and Democracy, Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Brusov.
In 1999 - 2004: Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, Yerevan State Institute of Foreign Languages after V. Brusov
2000 - 2001, 2002 - 2006: Deputy Head, International Relations Office, Yerevan State University. Coordination of YSU international partnership programs, overall administration of YSU international projects, daily correspondence with YSU international partners, collaboration with international organizations in Armenia.
2003 August: Invited Professor for Summer School “Conflict transformation and ways of peace establishment in South Caucasus,” Yerevan Armenia. Taught intensive graduate level course in Transitology. Organized by Russian-Armenian State University with the support from OSI AF-Armenia.
1998 - 2006: Deputy Dean for International Relations, Faculty of International Relations, Yerevan State University.
1996 - present: Scientific Researcher, Scientific group on parliamentary argumentation problems, Yerevan State University
1992 - 1993: Journalist, Armenian Stock-Herald. Reports and articles on social and political themes
Grants and Fellowships
January 2010 - present: Curriculum Resource Center of the Central European University, sponsored by the Higher Education Support Program of the Open Society Institute Course Development Competition Individual Grant for the «Post-Soviet Russian Politics» project.
2009 January - present: Project manager (YSU representative on Project Management Team) for Quality Assurance for Management of Internationalization Processes ”QATMI” Project (144882-TEMPUS-2008-DE-JPGR (2008-4776)) funded by European Commission
2009 January - 2010 December: Project manager (YSU representative on Project Management Team) for Educational centers’ network on modern technologies of management “ECESIS” Project (144742-TEMPUS-2008-DE-JPHES (2008-4744)) funded by European Commission
2008 December - 2009 March: Awarded Erasmus Mundus Scholarship within the frames of International Masters in Economy, State and Society (IMESS) in accordance with Erasmus Mundus Framework Agreement Number 2007-0077/001. Coordinated by University College London (UCL), host institution - Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Taught graduate level course: Post-Soviet Politics: Regimes transformation in the region.
2007 - 2009: Project Manager at YSU for “Internal quality assurance system in Armenian HEIs” for Tempus Jep (Joint European Project) funded by European Commission
2006 April - 2008 March: INTAS Young Scientist Post Doctoral Fellowship awarded for the project entitled “Regime Formation and Transformation in the Post Soviet Region: A Comparative Analysis of Semipresidentialism in Armenia, Russia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine” INTAS Ref. Nr 05-109-4708
2005 March - 2007 March: Armenian team leader for INTAS East and West – Network project “Eurasian Political Studies Network: Developing comparative studies of regime transformations in multicultural societies and state- nation-building process in post-soviet region.” INTAS Ref. Nr 04-79-7284
2004 - 2007: AFP/HESP (Academic Fellowship Program, Higher Education Support Program) Returning Scholar, in Armenia. Open Society Institute. (Renewed in 2005 and 2006)
In 2003 - 2004: Civic Education Project (CEP) Fellow (Local Faculty Fellow)
2003 - 2006: On-site Project Director for Arizona State University - Yerevan State University Educational Partnership Project “Refashioning the Social Sciences and Practitioner Training in Public Administration” funded by the United States Department of State
2003 July - August: Director, Summer School in Political Science: Curricula Development in Nationalism and Conflict Studies, Studies of Political Violence and Terrorism. Yerevan Armenia. Summer school was organized by YSU, US Embassy to Armenia Democracy Commission Small Grants Program, Civic Education Project and the Alumni Local Initiative Grants Program (LIGP administered by the American Council for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS)
2001 September - 2004 August: Armenian team leader, Research Project “Democratic Opposition as a Consolidation Factor in Transitional Regimes: Comparative Analysis of Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan.” Grant from the International Association for the promotion of co-operation with scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union (INTAS), Grant number 00 - 00644.
2001, August - 2002 July: Junior Faculty Development Program Visiting Scholar, University of Iowa, Department of Political Science and Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies. The Program is administered by the American Council for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS and funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State
2000 February: Grant from the Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation (OSI AF) Armenia, for participation in Curriculum Resource Center (CRC) Political Sciences Session, concentration on Politics and Economy in Transition, Budapest, Hungary
2000 July - August: Director, Summer School in Political Science: Transitology and Conflictology, Yerevan, Armenia. Summer School was organized by Open Society Institute Higher Education Support Programme and Yerevan State University in collaboration with the ACTR ACCELS, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of United States Department of State, Swedish Institute, UNDP and IFES
1997 December: Grant from the Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation (OSI AF) Armenia, for participation in Curriculum Resource Center (CRC) Sociology Session, concentration on Political Sociology, Warsaw, Poland
1996 - 1997: NIS - US Teacher Exchange Program Participant sponsored by the United States Information Agency. Visiting teacher at the King Philip Regional School, Wrentham, MA.
1997: Spring Taught graduate level course named “After the Fall: An Examination of Post Soviet Society” offered to teachers in the Norfolk County and Plymouth County Teachers Association through the Fitchburg State College, Division of Graduate and Continuing Education, USA
1995: February Curriculum Working visit to the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research (currently New School University), New York, USA
Additional Professional Activities
2008: Acting Head, Public Administration Department, YSU
2004 - 2007: Team leader for Public Administration curricula development project and team member for Political Science curricula development/reform project, YSU.
2007 December: Participation in the Parliamentary hearings “Armenian-Turkish Relations: Problems and Perspectives” hold by the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia
2007, 2004, 2003 Served as Selection Committee member for the Junior Faculty Development Program (JFDP), American Council for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS
2005 April - June: Expert. "Understanding Armenian Governing Structure" project, administered by Project Harmony-Armenia.
2005 May: “Armenia’s Troubled Transformation” guest lecture delivered at Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of International Studies, Prague, Czech Republic
2005 April: Graduate level intensive course “Democracy and Democratic Institutions” taught via the Department of Post-University Education for in-service practitioners/civil servants
2005 March: “Research paper writing skills development” guest lecture presented at YSLU within the frames of joint JFDP alumni event.
2003 - 2004: Member of YSLU Political Science curricula reform group. (Group members: V. Poghosyan, Chair, UNESCO Dept of Human Rights and Democracy, Member of RA Constitutional Court; Hayk Gyuzalyan, CEP Alumni; Gayane Gasparyan, YSLU Vice Rector). Elaboration of new curricula for 3rd, 4th and 5th years PS students at YSLU.
2004: Delivering presentations for 2 workshops held by the American Council office in Armenia. October 22 Job search workshop (presentation on CV writing and CV styles). October 30 - Academic Writing Workshop – presentation on the stages of the research process.
2004 May: Speaker and jury member for the American Council workshop and contest on Leadership skills.
2004: Presentation at American Council workshop on interactive teaching methods at YSU Faculty of Economics, May 4. The workshop was attended by the staff of various educational institutions, PiE, JFDP alumni and students of YSU, YSLU. Target group involved the staff of the institutions.
2004: Speaker for two American Council workshops on Contemporary Teaching Methods. March 17 - at YSU Faculty of Journalism and on March 26 at Armenian Agricultural Academy. Both workshops were attended by the staff of the institutions and in more limited range - students. Contemporary teaching techniques were presented, especially emphasized the use of group discussion during the classes, its strength and weaknesses. The target group involved the staff of the institutions.
2004: Served as interviewer for the Partners in Education Program (PiE), American Council for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS
2003: Guest lecture presented by request of the American Council office in Armenia for «Choose Your Future Career.» fair/workshop. Topic presented - International Affairs and Political Science: carrier possibilities, challenges and market opportunities in Armenia. December 19
2003: Delivered presentation “How to Write Project Proposals” by request of the American Council office in Armenia. November 28
2002: Served as Selection Committee member for the Partners in Education Program (PiE), American Council for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS
1999 - 2000: Civic Education Project (CEP) - Armenia. Member of the Committee for Evaluation of CEP Program
1998 November: Participation in 10th Annual Conference of the European Association for International Education, Stockholm, Sweden. “History of Higher Education in Armenia and History of Yerevan State University” presentation delivered during the seminar on Swedish-Armenian cooperation within the TEMPUS, Stockholm, Sweden
1998 August: Certificate for participation in Summer University in Political Science, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
Democratization Processes. Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation; Parliaments and Parliamentary Activities in NIS and Eastern European Countries; Presidents and Executive in NIS and Eastern European Countries; Executive-Legislative Relations in NIS and Eastern European Countries; Electoral Laws and Electoral Processes in NIS and Eastern European Countries. Studies in Political Opposition. Comparative Trends in Higher Education and Bologna Process Influence over Educational Development in Newly Independent States
Professional Memberships
2011 - present: Board member, Political Science Association, Armenia
2004 - present: Eurasian Political Studies Network
2003 - present: Central Eurasian Studies Society
2002 - present: “European Integration” NGO
1996 - present: Member of the Union of Lawyers and Politicians of Armenia
1995 - 1998: Coordinator and co-chairman of the Yerevan Chapter of Democracy Seminars named “Societies in Transition”
2009: Awarded YSU Golden Medal for Achievements
2000 and 2001: Official Citations by the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia
1997: Official Citation by Massachusetts Senate
1997: Honorary Diploma for Graduation from King Philip Regional School, Wrentham, MA, USA
1993: Graduation with Distinction from the Faculty of History of Yerevan State University
1988: Graduation with Silver Medal from Secondary School, Yerevan
Fluent in Armenian, Russian and English. Fair knowledge of Georgian and French
Dr. Richard Sakwa, Professor of Russian and European Politics, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Kent at Canterbury. Tel: (44- 0122) 782-74-09; fax: (44/0122) 782-70-33; R.Sakwa@kent.ac.uk
Dr. Vicki L. Hesli, Professor, Department of Political Science, the University of Iowa. Tel: (319) 335-23-56; vicki-hesli@uiowa.edu
Prof. Dr. Aram Simonyan, Rector, Yerevan State University. Tel: (374-10) 55-46-29; rector@ysu.am
Dr. William M. Reisinger, Professor of Political Science, the University of Iowa. Tel: (319) 319-335-2351; Fax: (319) 335-34-00; william-reisinger@uiowa.edu
(+374 10) 55-06-12
2010: Doctor of Sciences Degree (Dr. Habil.) in Political Science Areas of Concentration: Post-Soviet Politics, Semipresidentialism, Regimes and democratization in NIS. Dissertation Title: Semipresidentialism in the Post-Soviet Region
1996: Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Degree
Areas of Concentration: Theories of Democracy, Forms of Democratic Government, Democratic Transitions, Executive-Legislative Relations, Electoral Systems in Armenia and other NIS countries. Dissertation Title: “The Legislative Authority of the Republic of Armenia During the Process of Founding Independent Statehood”
1993 - 1996: Post-graduate student (Aspirant), Yerevan State University, Department of Political Science
1994: Institute Certificate received for participation in three-week intensive graduate program of studies in the Social Science held under auspices of the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research (New York) and in collaboration with International Cultural Center. Krakow, Poland.
1988 - 1993: Yerevan State University, Faculty of History. Diploma of Higher Education. Graduation with Distinction.
1990 - 1991: One year study abroad. Makerere University, Art Faculty, Kampala, Uganda.
Professional Experience
2008 - present: Deputy Vice Rector for Scientific Policy and International Cooperation and
Head, International Cooperation Office, Yerevan State University.
Management and overall responsibility for YSU international academic, educational and scientific collaboration. Supervision of the activities of International Relations, Grants, Diaspora and Foreign Students Departments.
Member of YSU Academic Council, YSU Rectorate and Rector’s Council.
Member of YSU strategic planning committee (SPC)
In 2006 - 2008: Head, International Cooperation Office, Yerevan State University.
2004 - present: Associate Professor of Political Science, Yerevan State University, Armenia. Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses; developing new course curricula; supervision of Ph.D. and master’s theses, bachelor’s final papers and course works.
Since 2005: member of the pre-PhD defense Political Science Examination board.
Courses taught: Research Methods in Political Science; Political Sociology; Theory of Democracy; Transitology; Public Administration; History and Theory of Parliamentarism; Contemporary Schools in Political Science; Introduction to Political Science.
In 1997 - 2004: Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science.
In 1997 - 1998: also taught at Ijevan Branch of Yerevan State University
2004 - present: Associate Professor of Political Science, UNESCO Chair of Human Rights and Democracy, Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Brusov.
In 1999 - 2004: Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, Yerevan State Institute of Foreign Languages after V. Brusov
2000 - 2001, 2002 - 2006: Deputy Head, International Relations Office, Yerevan State University. Coordination of YSU international partnership programs, overall administration of YSU international projects, daily correspondence with YSU international partners, collaboration with international organizations in Armenia.
2003 August: Invited Professor for Summer School “Conflict transformation and ways of peace establishment in South Caucasus,” Yerevan Armenia. Taught intensive graduate level course in Transitology. Organized by Russian-Armenian State University with the support from OSI AF-Armenia.
1998 - 2006: Deputy Dean for International Relations, Faculty of International Relations, Yerevan State University.
1996 - present: Scientific Researcher, Scientific group on parliamentary argumentation problems, Yerevan State University
1992 - 1993: Journalist, Armenian Stock-Herald. Reports and articles on social and political themes
Grants and Fellowships
January 2010 - present: Curriculum Resource Center of the Central European University, sponsored by the Higher Education Support Program of the Open Society Institute Course Development Competition Individual Grant for the «Post-Soviet Russian Politics» project.
2009 January - present: Project manager (YSU representative on Project Management Team) for Quality Assurance for Management of Internationalization Processes ”QATMI” Project (144882-TEMPUS-2008-DE-JPGR (2008-4776)) funded by European Commission
2009 January - 2010 December: Project manager (YSU representative on Project Management Team) for Educational centers’ network on modern technologies of management “ECESIS” Project (144742-TEMPUS-2008-DE-JPHES (2008-4744)) funded by European Commission
2008 December - 2009 March: Awarded Erasmus Mundus Scholarship within the frames of International Masters in Economy, State and Society (IMESS) in accordance with Erasmus Mundus Framework Agreement Number 2007-0077/001. Coordinated by University College London (UCL), host institution - Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Taught graduate level course: Post-Soviet Politics: Regimes transformation in the region.
2007 - 2009: Project Manager at YSU for “Internal quality assurance system in Armenian HEIs” for Tempus Jep (Joint European Project) funded by European Commission
2006 April - 2008 March: INTAS Young Scientist Post Doctoral Fellowship awarded for the project entitled “Regime Formation and Transformation in the Post Soviet Region: A Comparative Analysis of Semipresidentialism in Armenia, Russia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine” INTAS Ref. Nr 05-109-4708
2005 March - 2007 March: Armenian team leader for INTAS East and West – Network project “Eurasian Political Studies Network: Developing comparative studies of regime transformations in multicultural societies and state- nation-building process in post-soviet region.” INTAS Ref. Nr 04-79-7284
2004 - 2007: AFP/HESP (Academic Fellowship Program, Higher Education Support Program) Returning Scholar, in Armenia. Open Society Institute. (Renewed in 2005 and 2006)
In 2003 - 2004: Civic Education Project (CEP) Fellow (Local Faculty Fellow)
2003 - 2006: On-site Project Director for Arizona State University - Yerevan State University Educational Partnership Project “Refashioning the Social Sciences and Practitioner Training in Public Administration” funded by the United States Department of State
2003 July - August: Director, Summer School in Political Science: Curricula Development in Nationalism and Conflict Studies, Studies of Political Violence and Terrorism. Yerevan Armenia. Summer school was organized by YSU, US Embassy to Armenia Democracy Commission Small Grants Program, Civic Education Project and the Alumni Local Initiative Grants Program (LIGP administered by the American Council for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS)
2001 September - 2004 August: Armenian team leader, Research Project “Democratic Opposition as a Consolidation Factor in Transitional Regimes: Comparative Analysis of Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan.” Grant from the International Association for the promotion of co-operation with scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union (INTAS), Grant number 00 - 00644.
2001, August - 2002 July: Junior Faculty Development Program Visiting Scholar, University of Iowa, Department of Political Science and Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies. The Program is administered by the American Council for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS and funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State
2000 February: Grant from the Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation (OSI AF) Armenia, for participation in Curriculum Resource Center (CRC) Political Sciences Session, concentration on Politics and Economy in Transition, Budapest, Hungary
2000 July - August: Director, Summer School in Political Science: Transitology and Conflictology, Yerevan, Armenia. Summer School was organized by Open Society Institute Higher Education Support Programme and Yerevan State University in collaboration with the ACTR ACCELS, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of United States Department of State, Swedish Institute, UNDP and IFES
1997 December: Grant from the Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation (OSI AF) Armenia, for participation in Curriculum Resource Center (CRC) Sociology Session, concentration on Political Sociology, Warsaw, Poland
1996 - 1997: NIS - US Teacher Exchange Program Participant sponsored by the United States Information Agency. Visiting teacher at the King Philip Regional School, Wrentham, MA.
1997: Spring Taught graduate level course named “After the Fall: An Examination of Post Soviet Society” offered to teachers in the Norfolk County and Plymouth County Teachers Association through the Fitchburg State College, Division of Graduate and Continuing Education, USA
1995: February Curriculum Working visit to the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research (currently New School University), New York, USA
Additional Professional Activities
2008: Acting Head, Public Administration Department, YSU
2004 - 2007: Team leader for Public Administration curricula development project and team member for Political Science curricula development/reform project, YSU.
2007 December: Participation in the Parliamentary hearings “Armenian-Turkish Relations: Problems and Perspectives” hold by the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia
2007, 2004, 2003 Served as Selection Committee member for the Junior Faculty Development Program (JFDP), American Council for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS
2005 April - June: Expert. "Understanding Armenian Governing Structure" project, administered by Project Harmony-Armenia.
2005 May: “Armenia’s Troubled Transformation” guest lecture delivered at Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of International Studies, Prague, Czech Republic
2005 April: Graduate level intensive course “Democracy and Democratic Institutions” taught via the Department of Post-University Education for in-service practitioners/civil servants
2005 March: “Research paper writing skills development” guest lecture presented at YSLU within the frames of joint JFDP alumni event.
2003 - 2004: Member of YSLU Political Science curricula reform group. (Group members: V. Poghosyan, Chair, UNESCO Dept of Human Rights and Democracy, Member of RA Constitutional Court; Hayk Gyuzalyan, CEP Alumni; Gayane Gasparyan, YSLU Vice Rector). Elaboration of new curricula for 3rd, 4th and 5th years PS students at YSLU.
2004: Delivering presentations for 2 workshops held by the American Council office in Armenia. October 22 Job search workshop (presentation on CV writing and CV styles). October 30 - Academic Writing Workshop – presentation on the stages of the research process.
2004 May: Speaker and jury member for the American Council workshop and contest on Leadership skills.
2004: Presentation at American Council workshop on interactive teaching methods at YSU Faculty of Economics, May 4. The workshop was attended by the staff of various educational institutions, PiE, JFDP alumni and students of YSU, YSLU. Target group involved the staff of the institutions.
2004: Speaker for two American Council workshops on Contemporary Teaching Methods. March 17 - at YSU Faculty of Journalism and on March 26 at Armenian Agricultural Academy. Both workshops were attended by the staff of the institutions and in more limited range - students. Contemporary teaching techniques were presented, especially emphasized the use of group discussion during the classes, its strength and weaknesses. The target group involved the staff of the institutions.
2004: Served as interviewer for the Partners in Education Program (PiE), American Council for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS
2003: Guest lecture presented by request of the American Council office in Armenia for «Choose Your Future Career.» fair/workshop. Topic presented - International Affairs and Political Science: carrier possibilities, challenges and market opportunities in Armenia. December 19
2003: Delivered presentation “How to Write Project Proposals” by request of the American Council office in Armenia. November 28
2002: Served as Selection Committee member for the Partners in Education Program (PiE), American Council for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS
1999 - 2000: Civic Education Project (CEP) - Armenia. Member of the Committee for Evaluation of CEP Program
1998 November: Participation in 10th Annual Conference of the European Association for International Education, Stockholm, Sweden. “History of Higher Education in Armenia and History of Yerevan State University” presentation delivered during the seminar on Swedish-Armenian cooperation within the TEMPUS, Stockholm, Sweden
1998 August: Certificate for participation in Summer University in Political Science, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
Democratization Processes. Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation; Parliaments and Parliamentary Activities in NIS and Eastern European Countries; Presidents and Executive in NIS and Eastern European Countries; Executive-Legislative Relations in NIS and Eastern European Countries; Electoral Laws and Electoral Processes in NIS and Eastern European Countries. Studies in Political Opposition. Comparative Trends in Higher Education and Bologna Process Influence over Educational Development in Newly Independent States
Professional Memberships
2011 - present: Board member, Political Science Association, Armenia
2004 - present: Eurasian Political Studies Network
2003 - present: Central Eurasian Studies Society
2002 - present: “European Integration” NGO
1996 - present: Member of the Union of Lawyers and Politicians of Armenia
1995 - 1998: Coordinator and co-chairman of the Yerevan Chapter of Democracy Seminars named “Societies in Transition”
2009: Awarded YSU Golden Medal for Achievements
2000 and 2001: Official Citations by the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia
1997: Official Citation by Massachusetts Senate
1997: Honorary Diploma for Graduation from King Philip Regional School, Wrentham, MA, USA
1993: Graduation with Distinction from the Faculty of History of Yerevan State University
1988: Graduation with Silver Medal from Secondary School, Yerevan
Fluent in Armenian, Russian and English. Fair knowledge of Georgian and French
Dr. Richard Sakwa, Professor of Russian and European Politics, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Kent at Canterbury. Tel: (44- 0122) 782-74-09; fax: (44/0122) 782-70-33; R.Sakwa@kent.ac.uk
Dr. Vicki L. Hesli, Professor, Department of Political Science, the University of Iowa. Tel: (319) 335-23-56; vicki-hesli@uiowa.edu
Prof. Dr. Aram Simonyan, Rector, Yerevan State University. Tel: (374-10) 55-46-29; rector@ysu.am
Dr. William M. Reisinger, Professor of Political Science, the University of Iowa. Tel: (319) 319-335-2351; Fax: (319) 335-34-00; william-reisinger@uiowa.edu
(+374 10) 55-06-12