


Academic Books
Proceedings of the conference, devoted to the 80th anniversary of YSU Faculty of Law, have been published in the collection of English articles.

Today, the Hall of Sessions of the Academic Council of Yerevan State University hosted a presentation of the book, which was attended not only by universitarians, but also representatives of the international organizations and embassies in Armenia.

“Recently, we try to publish more books in foreign languages. Publication of the book itself is very important from a purely professional point of view, but it can also serve as a model for other subdivisions, so that the results of the university scientific ideas were presented to foreign readers. We write in Armenian, read in Armenian, and we think that so we promote science,” - said YSU Rector Aram Simonyan.

The book includes 35 articles, including almost all areas of modern jurisprudence system in Armenia. Part of the article the authors translated themselves, and the final editing was made by the colleagues from the American University of Armenia.

“We have experience in the publication of the Armenian and Russian literature, but now we face the problem of representing the English-language literature. There is a great demand for specialized literature in western research centers, universities. Here we deal with people, who are not experts, are not aware of our legal system, the development of jurisprudence, legislation. And this collection, in addition to all this, includes articles that contain profound theoretical analysis,” - said Dean of the Faculty of Law Gagik Ghazinyan.

According to the administration of the Faculty of Law, the collection is also an “invitation” to all those colleagues who are interested in this or that topic. They can establish ties with the author to discuss the issue on a professional level. By the way, the electronic version of the book is also available on the official website of the faculty.

The book, which includes the scientific works of lecturers of 3 generations of the Faculty of Law, will be available in the libraries of the European and American research centers and universities. This initiative will be supported by the international organizations and embassies, accredited in Armenia.