Anahit S. Abrahamyan
1970 - 1975: Yerevan State Institute of Foreign Languages after V. Brusov Diploma with Honours, specialist of the English language
1984 May - August: Ealing College of Higher Education, London Full-time course in English Language and English Language Teaching
Professional experience
2010 - present: YSU, Diplomatic Service and Communication
Department, Position: Associate professor, Head of the English Language Division at the Department of Diplomatic Service and Communication
1995 - 2010: YSU, Romance and Germanic Languages Faculty, Department of the English Language N2, Position: Assistant
1975 - 1995: Chair of Foreign Languages, Yerevan Polytechnical Institute, Position: Lecturer of English
2000 - 2013: Member of the English Language Entrance Examination Committee (written/oral)
2007 - 2013: YSU, Distant Learning Department: Head of English Language Entrance Examination Committee (oral examination)
2007 - 2009: YSU, Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Students: Head of English Language Entrance Examination Committee
2008: Member of committee for selection of textbooks and manuals for secondary schools
Academic courses
Principles of Diplomatic Intercourse, Diplomatic Correspondence, Diplomatic Etiquette, Technical Translation, Art of Diplomatic Speech
Scale of professional interests
Innovative teaching methods, sustainability-oriented teaching, sociolinguistics and pragmatics (politeness strategies in communication), bilingualism
Grants and Fellowships
2008 – 2010: researcher in the project “Dialogue: intercultural approach” financed by the State Budget, YSU
Armenian (mother tongue), English (fluent), Russian (fluent)
Professional membership
2003 - 2010: Member of Scientific Council of YSU Romance and Germanic Philology
Member of the Scientific Council of YSU Faculty of International Relations
Board member of the English Speaking Union of Armenia (ESU)
Member of the Armenian Association for the Study of English (AASE)
Member of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL)
International Conferences
Speaker at the 11th ELTA Serbia (IATEFL) International Conference (“Making Future Diplomats Accomplished Speakers”). Belgrade, Serbia, May 2013
Speaker at the International Conference at Moscow School of International Relations (МГИМО) dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the School of International Relations ("New Approaches – New Achievements"). Moscow, Russia, September 2013
Awards received
2012: Diploma of Honour granted by Yerevan State University
1970 - 1975: Yerevan State Institute of Foreign Languages after V. Brusov Diploma with Honours, specialist of the English language
1984 May - August: Ealing College of Higher Education, London Full-time course in English Language and English Language Teaching
Professional experience
2010 - present: YSU, Diplomatic Service and Communication
Department, Position: Associate professor, Head of the English Language Division at the Department of Diplomatic Service and Communication
1995 - 2010: YSU, Romance and Germanic Languages Faculty, Department of the English Language N2, Position: Assistant
1975 - 1995: Chair of Foreign Languages, Yerevan Polytechnical Institute, Position: Lecturer of English
2000 - 2013: Member of the English Language Entrance Examination Committee (written/oral)
2007 - 2013: YSU, Distant Learning Department: Head of English Language Entrance Examination Committee (oral examination)
2007 - 2009: YSU, Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Students: Head of English Language Entrance Examination Committee
2008: Member of committee for selection of textbooks and manuals for secondary schools
Academic courses
Principles of Diplomatic Intercourse, Diplomatic Correspondence, Diplomatic Etiquette, Technical Translation, Art of Diplomatic Speech
Scale of professional interests
Innovative teaching methods, sustainability-oriented teaching, sociolinguistics and pragmatics (politeness strategies in communication), bilingualism
Grants and Fellowships
2008 – 2010: researcher in the project “Dialogue: intercultural approach” financed by the State Budget, YSU
Armenian (mother tongue), English (fluent), Russian (fluent)
Professional membership
2003 - 2010: Member of Scientific Council of YSU Romance and Germanic Philology
Member of the Scientific Council of YSU Faculty of International Relations
Board member of the English Speaking Union of Armenia (ESU)
Member of the Armenian Association for the Study of English (AASE)
Member of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL)
International Conferences
Speaker at the 11th ELTA Serbia (IATEFL) International Conference (“Making Future Diplomats Accomplished Speakers”). Belgrade, Serbia, May 2013
Speaker at the International Conference at Moscow School of International Relations (МГИМО) dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the School of International Relations ("New Approaches – New Achievements"). Moscow, Russia, September 2013
Awards received
2012: Diploma of Honour granted by Yerevan State University