Anahit A. Chubaryan
Yerevan State University, Department of mechanic and mathematic: 1964 - 1969,
PhD - education: 1969 - 1972
Academic degree
Candidate thesis “On proof complexity characteristics in some logical calculus”, 1978, NC, SA of USSR, Moscow
Doctoral thesis “Investigation of proof complexity characteristics in logical
and logic-mathematical systems”, 2007, IPIA of NAS RA, Yerevan
Professional experience
YSU, chair of “Mathematical cybernetic” lecture: 1972-1976
senior lecture: 1976 - 1982
associate professor: 1982 - 2009
chair of “Theory of systems” holder of the chair: 1986 - 1991
chair of “Discrete mathematic and informatic” full professor: 2009 - at present
Academic courses
Theory of algorithm, mathematical logic, discrete mathematic,
Common complexity theory, proof complexity
Scale of professional interests
Mathematical logic, proof theory, proof complexity
Participation in grant projects
Grant of SCS of RA (code 11-1b023)
Armenian, Russian, English, Germany
Professional membership
Member of 1) specialized council 044 “Mathematical cybernetic and mathematical logic” of SCC of RA by YSU 2) Armenian mathematical society 3) of Association of Symbolic Logic
Yerevan State University, Department of mechanic and mathematic: 1964 - 1969,
PhD - education: 1969 - 1972
Academic degree
Candidate thesis “On proof complexity characteristics in some logical calculus”, 1978, NC, SA of USSR, Moscow
Doctoral thesis “Investigation of proof complexity characteristics in logical
and logic-mathematical systems”, 2007, IPIA of NAS RA, Yerevan
Professional experience
YSU, chair of “Mathematical cybernetic” lecture: 1972-1976
senior lecture: 1976 - 1982
associate professor: 1982 - 2009
chair of “Theory of systems” holder of the chair: 1986 - 1991
chair of “Discrete mathematic and informatic” full professor: 2009 - at present
Academic courses
Theory of algorithm, mathematical logic, discrete mathematic,
Common complexity theory, proof complexity
Scale of professional interests
Mathematical logic, proof theory, proof complexity
Participation in grant projects
Grant of SCS of RA (code 11-1b023)
Armenian, Russian, English, Germany
Professional membership
Member of 1) specialized council 044 “Mathematical cybernetic and mathematical logic” of SCC of RA by YSU 2) Armenian mathematical society 3) of Association of Symbolic Logic