Anahit V. Nerkararyan
1966 - 1971: Yerevan State University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Biophysics
1971 - 1974: Postgraduate Studies in Biophysics
Academic degree
Ph.D., Associate Professor, “Investigation of the lactate dehydrogenase isozyme pattern of tumor-bearing animals tissue”, 03.00.04- Biochemistry, Specialized Council to 055:01.08 for awarding the scientific degree of candidate of biological sciences at Yerevan State University
Professional experience
29 years
Academic courses
Electrobiology, Molecular and Cell Biology, The Use of Isotopes in Biology, Effect of Physical phactors, Selected Chapters of Biophysics
Scale of professional interests
The action of EHF electromagnetic radiation on biological systems
Armenian, Russian, English
1966 - 1971: Yerevan State University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Biophysics
1971 - 1974: Postgraduate Studies in Biophysics
Academic degree
Ph.D., Associate Professor, “Investigation of the lactate dehydrogenase isozyme pattern of tumor-bearing animals tissue”, 03.00.04- Biochemistry, Specialized Council to 055:01.08 for awarding the scientific degree of candidate of biological sciences at Yerevan State University
Professional experience
29 years
Academic courses
Electrobiology, Molecular and Cell Biology, The Use of Isotopes in Biology, Effect of Physical phactors, Selected Chapters of Biophysics
Scale of professional interests
The action of EHF electromagnetic radiation on biological systems
Armenian, Russian, English