Anna H. Marutyan
Since 2009: octorate in French language: "Structural-semantic peculiarities of french eponyms".
2002 - 2004: master's degree in French language at the faculty of languages of YSU
1998 - 2002: bachelor's degree in French language and literature at the faculty of languages of YSU
1989 - 1998: secondary school 56 of Yerevan
Educational experience
September 2001: University of Montpellier III Paul-Valery, France
2003 - 2009: Public Television of Armenia, translator at the department TV listings
Since 2004: lecturer of French language at the Faculty of Languages of YSU
Since 2009: ATV Television, translator at the department TV listings
Since 2011: president of I/E "Anna Marutyan"
language skills
Russian, french, potuguese, spanish, english
Computer skills
Microsoft Word, Excel, Acces
Since 2009: octorate in French language: "Structural-semantic peculiarities of french eponyms".
2002 - 2004: master's degree in French language at the faculty of languages of YSU
1998 - 2002: bachelor's degree in French language and literature at the faculty of languages of YSU
1989 - 1998: secondary school 56 of Yerevan
Educational experience
September 2001: University of Montpellier III Paul-Valery, France
2003 - 2009: Public Television of Armenia, translator at the department TV listings
Since 2004: lecturer of French language at the Faculty of Languages of YSU
Since 2009: ATV Television, translator at the department TV listings
Since 2011: president of I/E "Anna Marutyan"
language skills
Russian, french, potuguese, spanish, english
Computer skills
Microsoft Word, Excel, Acces