Anri V. Vardanyan
PhD, Geology and Mineralogy, 1969 (Thesis: "Conditions of the anticlinals of Kadrlu and Sovetashen")
Pre-doctoral Study (Aspirantura), Institute of Geology, National Academy of Sciences, 1962-1965 (Specialization: Tectono-physics)
BS, School of Geology, Yerevan State University, 1955 - 1960 (Major: Geology)
1962 - 1963 Academy of Sciences, laboratory assistant
1963 - 1964 Academy of Sciences, engineer
1969 - 1977 Academy of Sciences, Junior research fellow
1977 - 2005 National Academy of Sciences, senior research fellow
2005 - till now Chair of Historical and Regional Geology, lecturer (docent)
Academic courses
Basis of tectono- physics
Geology of Alps- Himalayas plicate zone
Basis of geotectonics
Awards received
“Garegin Njdeh” Medal
Armenian and Russian (fluent), French (advanced
PhD, Geology and Mineralogy, 1969 (Thesis: "Conditions of the anticlinals of Kadrlu and Sovetashen")
Pre-doctoral Study (Aspirantura), Institute of Geology, National Academy of Sciences, 1962-1965 (Specialization: Tectono-physics)
BS, School of Geology, Yerevan State University, 1955 - 1960 (Major: Geology)
1962 - 1963 Academy of Sciences, laboratory assistant
1963 - 1964 Academy of Sciences, engineer
1969 - 1977 Academy of Sciences, Junior research fellow
1977 - 2005 National Academy of Sciences, senior research fellow
2005 - till now Chair of Historical and Regional Geology, lecturer (docent)
Academic courses
Basis of tectono- physics
Geology of Alps- Himalayas plicate zone
Basis of geotectonics
Awards received
“Garegin Njdeh” Medal
Armenian and Russian (fluent), French (advanced