Arakel K. Taslakyan
Faculty of mathematics, Yerevan State Unersity: 1963 - 1968
Post Graduate Student: 1969 - 1972
Academic degree
Ph.D Thesis: “The series of Furie with respect to quasipolynomials of Legandre”
Professional experience
1969 - 1987: assistant
1987 - to date: associate professor, yerevan State University
Academic courses
Mathematical Analysis
Scale of professional interests
Quasipolynomials of Legandre, systems of Muntz
Armenian, Russian, English
Professional membership
The member of the union of Armenian mathematicians
Faculty of mathematics, Yerevan State Unersity: 1963 - 1968
Post Graduate Student: 1969 - 1972
Academic degree
Ph.D Thesis: “The series of Furie with respect to quasipolynomials of Legandre”
Professional experience
1969 - 1987: assistant
1987 - to date: associate professor, yerevan State University
Academic courses
Mathematical Analysis
Scale of professional interests
Quasipolynomials of Legandre, systems of Muntz
Armenian, Russian, English
Professional membership
The member of the union of Armenian mathematicians