Aramayis R. Avagyan
Education (since Higher Educational Institution)
1961-1966 - Department of Geography of Yerevan State University, Chair of Social - Economic geography (diploma with honor)
1988-1989- Studied at Moscow State Unoversity
Scientific degree
1975- Candidate of Geographical Sciences
1980 - Associate professor of Geographical Sciences
2004- Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor
Work experience
1966-1969 – Department of Geology of Armenia (as geomorpholog)
1969 - up to now –Chair of Social - Economic Geography of Yerevan State University
2005- up to now - Chairman of Social - Economic Geography of Yerevan State University
2010-2011- Chairman of 005 professional council
2011- up to now - Vice- chairman of 005 professional council
Delivered lectures
Social - Economic Geography of foreign countries, Regional Geography, Social – Economic Geography, Political Geography, Humanistic principles of Nature Protection
Framework of scientific interests
Human Geography, Social Ecology, Resourceology, Regional Geography
Author of more than 10 scientific works (monographs, textbooks, maps) w
Scinetific works are about estimate of nature resources, nature protection and naure use, Human Geography.
Armenian (native), Russian (good),English (good)
Participation in the International conference and scientific seminars
The number of participation is 3 (Republic of Armenia, Russian Federation)
State awards and prizes
Was awarded many diploma of Yerevan State University
1961-1966 - Department of Geography of Yerevan State University, Chair of Social - Economic geography (diploma with honor)
1988-1989- Studied at Moscow State Unoversity
Scientific degree
1975- Candidate of Geographical Sciences
1980 - Associate professor of Geographical Sciences
2004- Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor
Work experience
1966-1969 – Department of Geology of Armenia (as geomorpholog)
1969 - up to now –Chair of Social - Economic Geography of Yerevan State University
2005- up to now - Chairman of Social - Economic Geography of Yerevan State University
2010-2011- Chairman of 005 professional council
2011- up to now - Vice- chairman of 005 professional council
Delivered lectures
Social - Economic Geography of foreign countries, Regional Geography, Social – Economic Geography, Political Geography, Humanistic principles of Nature Protection
Framework of scientific interests
Human Geography, Social Ecology, Resourceology, Regional Geography
Author of more than 10 scientific works (monographs, textbooks, maps) w
Scinetific works are about estimate of nature resources, nature protection and naure use, Human Geography.
Armenian (native), Russian (good),English (good)
Participation in the International conference and scientific seminars
The number of participation is 3 (Republic of Armenia, Russian Federation)
State awards and prizes
Was awarded many diploma of Yerevan State University