Arsen A. Bobokhyan
1992 - 1997: Yerevan State University, Faculty of History, MA.
1997 - 1999: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Doctor of History.
1999 - 2000: University of Munich, Institute of Near Eastern Archaeology, Studies for MA.
2001 - 2006: University of Tubingen, Institute of Prehistory and Early History, PhD.
1998: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Academy of Sciences of Armenia Scientific Employee.
2010: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Senior Researcher.
2007: Yerevan State University, Assistant Professor.
2007: Yerevan State University, Faculty of History.
2000: Doctor of History - Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Academy of Sciences of Armenia
Dissertation: Tsopk (Upper Euphrates Region) in Ancient Near Eastern Trade and Cultural Relations (End of the 3rd-first half of the 2nd millennium BC).
2008: Doctor of Philosophy - Institute of Prehistory, University of Tubingen, Germany.
Dissertation: Communication and Barter in the Highland between the Taurus and the Caucasus, ca. 2500-1500 BC.
Spheres of Research
Archaeology of the Caucasus, the Near East and Anatolia, Cultural Relations, Ancient Barter and Weight Systems, History of Urbanism, Historical Consciousness, Identity Problems.
Language Skills
Armenian, English, German, Russian (speaking and reading), French, Turkish (reading).
Conference Participation
2000 - 2010: Conferences held at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Institute of Oriental Studies, Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Armenia and Yerevan State University.
2003: Ancient Ceramics in the Southern Caucasus and Adjacent Areas, New York.
2004: Weights in Context: Bronze Age Weighing Systems of Eastern Mediterranean - Chronology, Typology, Material and Archaeological Context, Rome.
2006: From Maikop to Trialeti, Berlin.
2007: Der Schwarzmeerraum vom Äneolithikum bis in die Früheisenzeit (5000-500 v. Chr.): Kommunika-tionsebenen zwischen Kaukasus und Karpaten, Tbilisi.
2007: Biainili-Urartu, Munich.
Scientific/Educational Workshop Participation
2009: Archaeology and History, Interdisciplinary workshop, 16.-18 December, Innsbruck University.
2010: Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching (ReSET) of Open Society Foundations, Program "Conception of "Eternal Capitals" - From Ancient Cosmopolitan Cities to Modern Megapolises", August 1-10, Istanbul.
Grants, Scholarships and Awards
1998: Galouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Award for Young Scientists of Armenia.
1999: DAAD (Deutsches Austauschdienst) Scholarship for Studying in Munich.
2001: DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) Scholarship for Studying in Tubingen.
2005: Scholarship of Troia-Project, Tubingen for completing the PhD. Dissertation.
2010: Academy of Sciences of Armenia, All Armenian Congress and Union of Russian Armenians “Best Scientific Work” award for monograph “Kommunikation und Austausch im Hochland zwischen Kaukasus und Taurus, ca. 2500-1500 v. Chr., Bd. 1-2, Oxford 2008”.
2010: First prize award in nomination “Humanities and Social Sciences” of young scientists’ competition “Community of Débuts” organized by “International Council of Humanities Collaboration” and “International Foundation of Humanities Collaboration” of the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States), Moscow.
Selected Archaeological Fieldwork
1996 - 2011: Collaborator in Armenian local and international expeditions (Lori Berd, Horom, Tsaghkahovit, Oshakan, Tsaghkasar, Margahovit, Sotk. Bjni).
2002: Collaborator in excavations of Udabno, Georgia.
2003: Collaborator in excavations of Al Buhais, United Arab Emirates.
2003 - 2005: Collaborator in excavations of Troy, Turkey.
1992 - 1997: Yerevan State University, Faculty of History, MA.
1997 - 1999: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Doctor of History.
1999 - 2000: University of Munich, Institute of Near Eastern Archaeology, Studies for MA.
2001 - 2006: University of Tubingen, Institute of Prehistory and Early History, PhD.
1998: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Academy of Sciences of Armenia Scientific Employee.
2010: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Senior Researcher.
2007: Yerevan State University, Assistant Professor.
2007: Yerevan State University, Faculty of History.
2000: Doctor of History - Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Academy of Sciences of Armenia
Dissertation: Tsopk (Upper Euphrates Region) in Ancient Near Eastern Trade and Cultural Relations (End of the 3rd-first half of the 2nd millennium BC).
2008: Doctor of Philosophy - Institute of Prehistory, University of Tubingen, Germany.
Dissertation: Communication and Barter in the Highland between the Taurus and the Caucasus, ca. 2500-1500 BC.
Spheres of Research
Archaeology of the Caucasus, the Near East and Anatolia, Cultural Relations, Ancient Barter and Weight Systems, History of Urbanism, Historical Consciousness, Identity Problems.
Language Skills
Armenian, English, German, Russian (speaking and reading), French, Turkish (reading).
Conference Participation
2000 - 2010: Conferences held at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Institute of Oriental Studies, Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Armenia and Yerevan State University.
2003: Ancient Ceramics in the Southern Caucasus and Adjacent Areas, New York.
2004: Weights in Context: Bronze Age Weighing Systems of Eastern Mediterranean - Chronology, Typology, Material and Archaeological Context, Rome.
2006: From Maikop to Trialeti, Berlin.
2007: Der Schwarzmeerraum vom Äneolithikum bis in die Früheisenzeit (5000-500 v. Chr.): Kommunika-tionsebenen zwischen Kaukasus und Karpaten, Tbilisi.
2007: Biainili-Urartu, Munich.
Scientific/Educational Workshop Participation
2009: Archaeology and History, Interdisciplinary workshop, 16.-18 December, Innsbruck University.
2010: Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching (ReSET) of Open Society Foundations, Program "Conception of "Eternal Capitals" - From Ancient Cosmopolitan Cities to Modern Megapolises", August 1-10, Istanbul.
Grants, Scholarships and Awards
1998: Galouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Award for Young Scientists of Armenia.
1999: DAAD (Deutsches Austauschdienst) Scholarship for Studying in Munich.
2001: DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) Scholarship for Studying in Tubingen.
2005: Scholarship of Troia-Project, Tubingen for completing the PhD. Dissertation.
2010: Academy of Sciences of Armenia, All Armenian Congress and Union of Russian Armenians “Best Scientific Work” award for monograph “Kommunikation und Austausch im Hochland zwischen Kaukasus und Taurus, ca. 2500-1500 v. Chr., Bd. 1-2, Oxford 2008”.
2010: First prize award in nomination “Humanities and Social Sciences” of young scientists’ competition “Community of Débuts” organized by “International Council of Humanities Collaboration” and “International Foundation of Humanities Collaboration” of the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States), Moscow.
Selected Archaeological Fieldwork
1996 - 2011: Collaborator in Armenian local and international expeditions (Lori Berd, Horom, Tsaghkahovit, Oshakan, Tsaghkasar, Margahovit, Sotk. Bjni).
2002: Collaborator in excavations of Udabno, Georgia.
2003: Collaborator in excavations of Al Buhais, United Arab Emirates.
2003 - 2005: Collaborator in excavations of Troy, Turkey.