Arsen T. Grigoryan
Education (University, Year)
High (Yerevan state university, 1980)
Position (Current)
Docent of phisical geography and hydrology department of YSU, deputy dean of geography and geology faculty
Scientific Degree (Year, Place)
Candidate of geographic science (1999,Yerevan)
Scientific Title (Year, Place)
Docent (2004, Yerevan)
Experience (Year, Organization, Position)
1980 - 1983 YSU, senior laboratory assistan
1983 - 1986 YSU, post-graduate course
1986 - 1987 YSU, Geomorphology and cartography department, senior laboratory assistant
1987 - 1990 YSU, assistant of phisical geography department
1991 - 2000 YSU, lecturer of phisical geography department
since 2000 - docent of phisical geography and hydrometeorology department of YSU
Research Interests
Phisical geography, nature use and nature protection, hydrology, agrometeorology
Theme of Dissertation
PhD - termal regime of rivers of Armenia, Yerevan, 1999
Teaching activity (courses delivered, course Title, Section)
General Earth Science - Service,Geography,Hydrometeoro - logy,Modern problems of geography - magistracy phisical geography, magistracy nature use and nature protection, magistracy Hydrometeorology Physical geography of continents and oceans - Geography
Research Themes, Academic Grants, Awards, Certificates of Honour
Research themes
1997 - 2002 Water resources and hydroenergetic potential determination of unexplored small rivers of Armenia (executor,theme instructor T.Vardanyan)
2009 - diploma of the head of YSU
Membership: a) Scientific and other Councils, b) Organizations (Year, Name of Organization, Status)
Since 1996 - a member of council of geography and geology faculty of YSU
Since 2006 - a member of professional council of geography and geology faculty of YSU
Since 1997 - (Haik) civil society organization’s secretary
Since 1987 - a member of Geographical society
Since 2003 - (International research centre of water,climatic,recreative resources), vice-chairman of civil society organization
(+374 10) 55-06-61
High (Yerevan state university, 1980)
Position (Current)
Docent of phisical geography and hydrology department of YSU, deputy dean of geography and geology faculty
Scientific Degree (Year, Place)
Candidate of geographic science (1999,Yerevan)
Scientific Title (Year, Place)
Docent (2004, Yerevan)
Experience (Year, Organization, Position)
1980 - 1983 YSU, senior laboratory assistan
1983 - 1986 YSU, post-graduate course
1986 - 1987 YSU, Geomorphology and cartography department, senior laboratory assistant
1987 - 1990 YSU, assistant of phisical geography department
1991 - 2000 YSU, lecturer of phisical geography department
since 2000 - docent of phisical geography and hydrometeorology department of YSU
Research Interests
Phisical geography, nature use and nature protection, hydrology, agrometeorology
Theme of Dissertation
PhD - termal regime of rivers of Armenia, Yerevan, 1999
Teaching activity (courses delivered, course Title, Section)
General Earth Science - Service,Geography,Hydrometeoro - logy,Modern problems of geography - magistracy phisical geography, magistracy nature use and nature protection, magistracy Hydrometeorology Physical geography of continents and oceans - Geography
Research Themes, Academic Grants, Awards, Certificates of Honour
Research themes
1997 - 2002 Water resources and hydroenergetic potential determination of unexplored small rivers of Armenia (executor,theme instructor T.Vardanyan)
2009 - diploma of the head of YSU
Membership: a) Scientific and other Councils, b) Organizations (Year, Name of Organization, Status)
Since 1996 - a member of council of geography and geology faculty of YSU
Since 2006 - a member of professional council of geography and geology faculty of YSU
Since 1997 - (Haik) civil society organization’s secretary
Since 1987 - a member of Geographical society
Since 2003 - (International research centre of water,climatic,recreative resources), vice-chairman of civil society organization
(+374 10) 55-06-61