Arthur G. Vagharshyan
Higher Education
1984 - 1989: YSU Faculty of Law
1989 - 1992: YSU Faculty of Law, post graduate studies, specialization: Theory and History of State and Law, Political and Legal Studies
Academic Degree
1996 - PhD in Law. Topic: Judicial System of the First Republic of Armenia
2013 - present Doctor of Juridical Sciences
Work Experience
1993 - 1994: Lecturer, Chair of Civil Law of YSU Faculty of Law
1994 - 2002: Assistant, Chair of Theory and History of State and Law of YSU, Faculty of Law
2002 - 2005: Associate Professor, Chair of Theory and History of State and Law of YSU Faculty of Law
2005 - present Head of the Chair of Theory and History of State and Law of YSU time Faculty of Law
Professional Training
1996 - University of Passau, Germany
1996 - Central European University of Budapest, Hungary
1998 - Moscow
2005 - USA
Courses Given
Theory of State and Law
Philosophy of Law
History of State and Law of Foreign Countries
Main Research Interests
Theoretical-historical and philosophical problems of state and law
Problems of legal regulation of the sphere of education
Participation in Grant Projects 1999-2006 - Clinical Legal Education, OSI Foundation, Armenian Office
Armenian, Russian, German
Member of Union of Lawyers of RA
Specialized Board No. 001 of the Higher Attestation Commission of RA
Member of the Editorial Boards of the journals “The questions of jurisprudence” and “The state and the law”
(+374 60) 71-02-56
(inner line 12-56)
1984 - 1989: YSU Faculty of Law
1989 - 1992: YSU Faculty of Law, post graduate studies, specialization: Theory and History of State and Law, Political and Legal Studies
Academic Degree
1996 - PhD in Law. Topic: Judicial System of the First Republic of Armenia
2013 - present Doctor of Juridical Sciences
Work Experience
1993 - 1994: Lecturer, Chair of Civil Law of YSU Faculty of Law
1994 - 2002: Assistant, Chair of Theory and History of State and Law of YSU, Faculty of Law
2002 - 2005: Associate Professor, Chair of Theory and History of State and Law of YSU Faculty of Law
2005 - present Head of the Chair of Theory and History of State and Law of YSU time Faculty of Law
Professional Training
1996 - University of Passau, Germany
1996 - Central European University of Budapest, Hungary
1998 - Moscow
2005 - USA
Courses Given
Theory of State and Law
Philosophy of Law
History of State and Law of Foreign Countries
Main Research Interests
Theoretical-historical and philosophical problems of state and law
Problems of legal regulation of the sphere of education
Participation in Grant Projects 1999-2006 - Clinical Legal Education, OSI Foundation, Armenian Office
Armenian, Russian, German
Member of Union of Lawyers of RA
Specialized Board No. 001 of the Higher Attestation Commission of RA
Member of the Editorial Boards of the journals “The questions of jurisprudence” and “The state and the law”
(+374 60) 71-02-56
(inner line 12-56)