Artur Ye. Mkrtichyan
1990 - 1993 Post - graduate student, Yerevan State University, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology
1983 - 1990 Yerevan State University, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology
Academic degree
2008 “Chaos as a system creation mechanism of self-organization of Socium”, Diploma of Doctor of Philosophy from the Yerevan State University
1994 “The specifics of inter-subjective Interaction in Social System”, Diploma of Candidate of Philosophy from the Yerevan State University
Professional experience
2011 - Professor
2011 - Member, Specialized Council for Awarding Scientific Degrees in Philosophy and Sociology
2008 - Dean, Yerevan State University, Faculty of Sociology
2006 - 2008 Head of the Department of Sociology
2001 - 2002 Fellow, Institute of European Ethnology, Humboldt University Berlin and East Europe Institute, Free University Berlin, Germany
2000 - Fellow, Institute of Political Science, University Innsbruck, Austria
1998 - 2000, 2004 Deputy Dean, Yerevan State University, Faculty of Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology
1998 - 2006 Docent, Department of Sociology, Yerevan State University, Faculty of Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology
1997 - 1998 Fellow, Faculty of Sociology, University Bielefeld, Germany 1992 - 1998 Lecturer, Department of Social Philosophy and Ethics, Yerevan State University, Faculty of Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology
Academic courses
Contemporary sociological Theories, Sociology of Knowledge
Scale of professional interests
Problems of Self-organization of Social Systems, Social Change and Political Transformation in the Republic of Armenia, Ethnic and Political Conflicts, Migration and Diaspora, System theory, Sociology of Education
Armenian, German and Russian (fluent), English (satisfactory)
Professional membership
Member, Philosophical Society of Armenia Member of Board, Union of Social Scientists of Armenia Member of Board, Scientific Journal “Banber of Yerevan State University.Sociology and Economics”
Awards received
«Vazgen Sargsyan» medal
1990 - 1993 Post - graduate student, Yerevan State University, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology
1983 - 1990 Yerevan State University, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology
Academic degree
2008 “Chaos as a system creation mechanism of self-organization of Socium”, Diploma of Doctor of Philosophy from the Yerevan State University
1994 “The specifics of inter-subjective Interaction in Social System”, Diploma of Candidate of Philosophy from the Yerevan State University
Professional experience
2011 - Professor
2011 - Member, Specialized Council for Awarding Scientific Degrees in Philosophy and Sociology
2008 - Dean, Yerevan State University, Faculty of Sociology
2006 - 2008 Head of the Department of Sociology
2001 - 2002 Fellow, Institute of European Ethnology, Humboldt University Berlin and East Europe Institute, Free University Berlin, Germany
2000 - Fellow, Institute of Political Science, University Innsbruck, Austria
1998 - 2000, 2004 Deputy Dean, Yerevan State University, Faculty of Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology
1998 - 2006 Docent, Department of Sociology, Yerevan State University, Faculty of Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology
1997 - 1998 Fellow, Faculty of Sociology, University Bielefeld, Germany 1992 - 1998 Lecturer, Department of Social Philosophy and Ethics, Yerevan State University, Faculty of Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology
Academic courses
Contemporary sociological Theories, Sociology of Knowledge
Scale of professional interests
Problems of Self-organization of Social Systems, Social Change and Political Transformation in the Republic of Armenia, Ethnic and Political Conflicts, Migration and Diaspora, System theory, Sociology of Education
Armenian, German and Russian (fluent), English (satisfactory)
Professional membership
Member, Philosophical Society of Armenia Member of Board, Union of Social Scientists of Armenia Member of Board, Scientific Journal “Banber of Yerevan State University.Sociology and Economics”
Awards received
«Vazgen Sargsyan» medal