Astghik S. Bekmezyan
1968 - 1973 Student in the Faculty of Philology of YSU
1973 - 1976 post graduating student in the chair of Theory of Literature and Esthetics of YSU
Academic degree
Candidate theme - "The Genre of Novel in New Armenian Literature", 1981, Scientific Chair of YSU
Professional experience
1976 - 1977 Lecturer in Philology faculty of YSU
1977 - 1983 Lecturer in the chair of Foreign Literature and Theory of Literature of YSU
1983 to present associated professor in the Chair of Theory of Literature and Critics of YSU
Academic courses
Introduction to Literature, Theory of Literature, Psychology of the Creation
Scale of professional interests
Armenian and International Literature, Theory of Literature and critics of Literature
Armenian, Russian, French
1968 - 1973 Student in the Faculty of Philology of YSU
1973 - 1976 post graduating student in the chair of Theory of Literature and Esthetics of YSU
Academic degree
Candidate theme - "The Genre of Novel in New Armenian Literature", 1981, Scientific Chair of YSU
Professional experience
1976 - 1977 Lecturer in Philology faculty of YSU
1977 - 1983 Lecturer in the chair of Foreign Literature and Theory of Literature of YSU
1983 to present associated professor in the Chair of Theory of Literature and Critics of YSU
Academic courses
Introduction to Literature, Theory of Literature, Psychology of the Creation
Scale of professional interests
Armenian and International Literature, Theory of Literature and critics of Literature
Armenian, Russian, French