Astghik V. Poghosyan
1985-1990: YSU Diploma PB №013852, MSc in Biology, Yerevan State University, Armenia.
Academic degree
Candidate - “The brioflora of the volkanic massive of Arailer”, 2003, National Academy of Science, Yerevan, Armenia.
Professional experience
1990 - 1993: Laboratory assistant at the Department of Botany
1993 - 2007: Senior Laboratory assistant at the Department of Botany
2007 - 2010: Assistant at the Department of Botany
2010 - Present: Docent at the Department of Botany
Academic courses
“Anatomy and morphology of higher plants”, “Systematic of higher plants”, “Plants resources”, Plants geography and Flora of Armenia”
Scale of professional interests
Botany, floristic, phyto-geography, biodiversity, nature conservation
Participation in grant projects
2005 - 2007: Project “In-situ conservation of crop wild relatives through enhanced information management and field application” (Grant supported by UNEP/GEF/FAO).
Armenian, Russian
Professional membership
Armenian National Society of Botany.
“Ecofung” Armenian Mycological Society
1985-1990: YSU Diploma PB №013852, MSc in Biology, Yerevan State University, Armenia.
Academic degree
Candidate - “The brioflora of the volkanic massive of Arailer”, 2003, National Academy of Science, Yerevan, Armenia.
Professional experience
1990 - 1993: Laboratory assistant at the Department of Botany
1993 - 2007: Senior Laboratory assistant at the Department of Botany
2007 - 2010: Assistant at the Department of Botany
2010 - Present: Docent at the Department of Botany
Academic courses
“Anatomy and morphology of higher plants”, “Systematic of higher plants”, “Plants resources”, Plants geography and Flora of Armenia”
Scale of professional interests
Botany, floristic, phyto-geography, biodiversity, nature conservation
Participation in grant projects
2005 - 2007: Project “In-situ conservation of crop wild relatives through enhanced information management and field application” (Grant supported by UNEP/GEF/FAO).
Armenian, Russian
Professional membership
Armenian National Society of Botany.
“Ecofung” Armenian Mycological Society