


Academic Books
The presentation of the book “Letters of Avetik Isahakyan” was held at Yerevan Library after Av. Isahakyan today.

The collection published by YSU Publishing House includes the letters of the prominent Armenian poet, prosaic, social figure Avetik Isahakyan, written in 1895-1957. These letters were addressed to famous Armenian writers and public figures and cover political, social, literary and cultural issues of this period.

The book’s editor, Lilit Avagyan said that her grandmother, literary critic Arpik Avetisyan, who has prepared this collection, devoted her last years of life to this mission. However, the book remained unpublished, she passed away and the letters disappeared due to some circumstances.

“Then my mother ethnographer Ionna Avagyan tried to finalize the work of my grandmother, but did not, and I tried to finish it,” - said Lilit Avagyan.

The presentation was also attended by the grandson of Mr. Isahakyan, literary critic Avik Isahakyan, who initially asked the guests to pay tribute to Arpik Avetisyan with a minute of silence.

“To recognize the writer one should read his letters, and in this case the situation is more complex. I am grateful to Lilit, she found the strength to work and completed this mission,” - said Avik Isahakyan.

The presentation was also attended by the Director of the Institute of Literature of NAS RA Vardan Devrikyan, who noted that the letters show poet’s character: “I must say that the notes in the book are very detailed and contain comprehensive information. In addition, I want to add that the letters are quite well decorated, for which I thank YSU Publishing House.”

Historian Gevorg Ter-Vardanyan said that thanks to these letters we learn not only about Isahakyan as a great poet, but also a great citizen, who was willing to do anything for his homeland.

At the end of the event Lilit Avagyan thanked the publishers represented by Director Karen Grigoryan, as well as “Galust Gyulbenkyan” Foundation for the support of the publication of the book.

Excerpts from the letters of the hero of the day were also read during the event.