David A. Hovhannisyan
Education (beginning with IHE)
1971 - 1976, Yerevan State University, The Chair of Arabic Studies
1976 - 1979, Institute of Asian and African Countries, Moscow State University, PhD Student Oriental Studies, Major: Arabic Philology
Academic degree
1979, Institute of Asian and African Countries, Moscow State University, PhD Oriental Studies, Major: Arabic Philology
Professional experience
1980 - 1985, Departement of Arabic Studies, YSU, Adjunct Professor
1985 - 1987, Departement of Arabic Studies, YSU, Associated Professor
1987 - 1992, Departement of Arabic Studies, YSU, Head of the Chair of the Arabic Studie
1989 - 1991, "Armenfax" Information Agency, Chief editor
1990 - 1992, Presidential Staff of the Republic of Armenia, Chief Expert on Middle Eastern Affairs
1992 - 1998, Embassy of the Republic of Armenia to Damascus, Syria, Ambassador
1998 - 2003, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, Ambassador at Large, awarded the diplomatic range of Ambassador, Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary
1998 - present, Department of Arabic Studies, YSU
1999 - 2005, Yerevan Linguistic University, Department of Social Sciences, Professor
2001 - present, Caucasus Media Institute, Professor
2007 - present, Center for Civilization and Cultural Studies, Director, YSU
2008 - present, Advisor to the President of Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Bryusov
Academic courses
The Introduction to Islam, The Qur’an and Qur’anic Studies, The History of Sunni Mazhabs, Introduction to Sufism, Introduction to Shiism, The Oriental Poetics, The History of Arab-Muslim Civilization, The History of Arab Literature (pre-Islamic and early Islam periods)
Scale of professional interests
The adoption processes in the Muslim World in Middle Ages and Modern World
Armenian, English, Russian, Arabic, German
Professional membership (NGO, professional council, editorial staff of scientific journal, funds etc.)
2000 - present, Founder and Member of the South Caucasus Institute of Regional Security
2001 - present, Member of the Armenian-Turkish Reconciliation Commission (TARC)
2006 - present, Founder and Director of Center for Cultural and Civilization Studies, YSU
2006 - present, Member of “Arabic Studies” Journal Editorial Board
2010 - present, Member of “Language, Society, Comunication” Journal Editorial Board
2011 - present, Member of Association for Caucasian Studies
1971 - 1976, Yerevan State University, The Chair of Arabic Studies
1976 - 1979, Institute of Asian and African Countries, Moscow State University, PhD Student Oriental Studies, Major: Arabic Philology
Academic degree
1979, Institute of Asian and African Countries, Moscow State University, PhD Oriental Studies, Major: Arabic Philology
Professional experience
1980 - 1985, Departement of Arabic Studies, YSU, Adjunct Professor
1985 - 1987, Departement of Arabic Studies, YSU, Associated Professor
1987 - 1992, Departement of Arabic Studies, YSU, Head of the Chair of the Arabic Studie
1989 - 1991, "Armenfax" Information Agency, Chief editor
1990 - 1992, Presidential Staff of the Republic of Armenia, Chief Expert on Middle Eastern Affairs
1992 - 1998, Embassy of the Republic of Armenia to Damascus, Syria, Ambassador
1998 - 2003, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, Ambassador at Large, awarded the diplomatic range of Ambassador, Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary
1998 - present, Department of Arabic Studies, YSU
1999 - 2005, Yerevan Linguistic University, Department of Social Sciences, Professor
2001 - present, Caucasus Media Institute, Professor
2007 - present, Center for Civilization and Cultural Studies, Director, YSU
2008 - present, Advisor to the President of Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Bryusov
Academic courses
The Introduction to Islam, The Qur’an and Qur’anic Studies, The History of Sunni Mazhabs, Introduction to Sufism, Introduction to Shiism, The Oriental Poetics, The History of Arab-Muslim Civilization, The History of Arab Literature (pre-Islamic and early Islam periods)
Scale of professional interests
The adoption processes in the Muslim World in Middle Ages and Modern World
Armenian, English, Russian, Arabic, German
Professional membership (NGO, professional council, editorial staff of scientific journal, funds etc.)
2000 - present, Founder and Member of the South Caucasus Institute of Regional Security
2001 - present, Member of the Armenian-Turkish Reconciliation Commission (TARC)
2006 - present, Founder and Director of Center for Cultural and Civilization Studies, YSU
2006 - present, Member of “Arabic Studies” Journal Editorial Board
2010 - present, Member of “Language, Society, Comunication” Journal Editorial Board
2011 - present, Member of Association for Caucasian Studies