Eduard A. Harutyunyan
From 1969 to 1974: YSU, Faculty of Philosophy
Academic degree
Thesis for “Candidate of Philosophical Studies” degree - “The Issue of Involvement of the Self in the Action”, 1982, YSU
Thesis for “Doctor of Philosophical Studies” - “Transitional Society as a Transformational System” 2001, YSU
Professional Experience
From 1975 to 1985: Lecturer of the chair of Historical Materialism, Ethics and Aesthetics, YSU
From 1986 to 2000: Docent of the chair of Philosophy and Ethics, YSU
From 2001 to present: Head of the chair of Social Philosophy and Ethics, YSU
Taught Courses Ethics
Introduction to Social Philosophy
Transitional Society
Social Paradoxes of Philosophy of Technology
Mass Culture and Crowd Behavior
National Identity and Liberalist Culture
Scope of academic interests
Social Philosophy
National Identity
Transformational Society
Participation in grant projects
From 2006 to 2007: implementation of project 14802 of “Open Society Institute”
Co-publication of “Philosophy of Technology” student manual with chair of “Economics, Law and Management” of SEUA.
From 2008 to 2010: The spiritual crisis of modernity and its peculiarities in contemporary transformative Armenian society
Armenian, Russian, French
YSU Golden medal
From 1969 to 1974: YSU, Faculty of Philosophy
Academic degree
Thesis for “Candidate of Philosophical Studies” degree - “The Issue of Involvement of the Self in the Action”, 1982, YSU
Thesis for “Doctor of Philosophical Studies” - “Transitional Society as a Transformational System” 2001, YSU
Professional Experience
From 1975 to 1985: Lecturer of the chair of Historical Materialism, Ethics and Aesthetics, YSU
From 1986 to 2000: Docent of the chair of Philosophy and Ethics, YSU
From 2001 to present: Head of the chair of Social Philosophy and Ethics, YSU
Taught Courses Ethics
Introduction to Social Philosophy
Transitional Society
Social Paradoxes of Philosophy of Technology
Mass Culture and Crowd Behavior
National Identity and Liberalist Culture
Scope of academic interests
Social Philosophy
National Identity
Transformational Society
Participation in grant projects
From 2006 to 2007: implementation of project 14802 of “Open Society Institute”
Co-publication of “Philosophy of Technology” student manual with chair of “Economics, Law and Management” of SEUA.
From 2008 to 2010: The spiritual crisis of modernity and its peculiarities in contemporary transformative Armenian society
Armenian, Russian, French
YSU Golden medal