Anahit G. Gulyan
2001 - 2003: Yerevan State University, Faculty of Mathematics, Center of Actuarial Sciences
Master’s Degree Diploma
1997 - 2001: Yerevan State University, Faculty of Mathematics, Department of Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Bachelor’s Degree Diploma with honor
Professional experience
2007 - present: Yerevan State University, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Department of Actuarial Mathematics, Lecturer
2001 - 2007: NORK” Information-Analytical Center CJSC of The Ministry of Labor and Social Issues of Republic of Armenia Senior Expert Actuary/Analyst
Graduation of Basic and Advanced Actuarial training program (conducted by UK Actuarial Profession, FSDP/USAID, AED/USAID, Central bank of Armenia)
Financial mathematics, Probability and statistics, Life insurance mathematics 1, General insurance mathematics 1, Stochastic modeling, Principles and practice in general insurance, Principles and practice in life insurance
Economic and investment, Actuarial management of life insurance, Actuarial management of Social Security and private pension plans, Life insurance mathematics 2, General insurance mathematics 2, Stochastic modeling, Actuarial Management of Health Insurance and Health Care Financing, Investment and Asset/Liability Management, Actuarial Management of General Insurance, Principles of Accounting in Armenia, Principles of Law in Armenia, Economics and Investment in Armenia, Actuarial Professionalism Course,
Professionalism/Dissertations (Construction of illness table for cancer disease in Armenia)
Certificate of Actuarial Mathematics
(successfully complete training course according to the American Society of Actuaries Program, conducted by PADCO/USAID and YSU)
Certificate of Financial Mathematics
(successfully complete training course according to the American Society of Actuaries Program, conducted by PADCO/USAID and YSU)
Certificate of SPSS, PROST, Statistics and Economic
(Successfully complete training course according to university program, conducted by PADCO/USAID and YSU)
Certificate of Macroeconomics
(successfully complete training course according to the YSU program, conducted by PADCO/USAID)
Certificate of Mathematical Statistics
(successfully complete training course according to university program, conducted by PADCO/USAID and YSU )
Certificate of Extension Program English 5th Level Course
(successfully complete training course conducted by AUA) (from 2002 11 15 to 2003 02 03)
Certificate for a series of Seminars
on “The Pension System in Armenia - Current System and Reforms”, organized by PADCO/USAID,MOSS, YSU and “NEMROUT” Center (from 2003 04 16 to 2003 05 29)
Certificate for having participated in the distance-learning course
on “Pension Reform Options For Current Systems In Armenia, Azerbaijan, Republic of Belarus, Georgia and Republic of Moldova Offered through The World Bank Office in Yerevan , Armenia(from 2003.11.11 - 2003.12.18)
Certificate of Accountancy
(successfully completed 13 weeks Courses on Accountancy provided by “International Accountancy Training Center” Educational Fund, LICENSE #061 of Ministry Of Education And Science Of The RA )
Course Program (Duration 115 hours)
Accounting Framework and Main Accounting Standards of the RA, New Chart of Accounts of the RA, Tax System of the RA, Applied Accounting, Business Law
Certificate of Econometric Analysis using SPSS and E-views Packages
(Successfully complete course conducted by Eurasia Foundation, Caucasus Research Resource Centres CRRC-Armenia, from 17.05.04-18.06.04, 49 hours)
Academic courses
Actuarial mathematics, Mathematical demography, Pensions and life insurance models, General insurance mathematics, Insurance risks and reinsurance, Time series analysis with E-views package, Econometric models with SPSS package.
Scale of professional interests
Mathematical Statistics; actuarial mathematics; financial mathematics; econometrics.
Participation in grant projects
Introduction opportunities and development prospects of the State Mandatory Medical Insurance (Eurasia Foundation/CRRC)
Improvement Program of the Pension System in RA (USAID/PADCO)
Actuarial analysis of State Mandatory Medical Insurance in RA (USAID/PADCO)
Armenian, Russian, English - iTEP (B2 level)
Professional membership
Member of “Actuarial Society of Armenia” Non-governmental organization
2001 - 2003: Yerevan State University, Faculty of Mathematics, Center of Actuarial Sciences
Master’s Degree Diploma
1997 - 2001: Yerevan State University, Faculty of Mathematics, Department of Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Bachelor’s Degree Diploma with honor
Professional experience
2007 - present: Yerevan State University, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Department of Actuarial Mathematics, Lecturer
2001 - 2007: NORK” Information-Analytical Center CJSC of The Ministry of Labor and Social Issues of Republic of Armenia Senior Expert Actuary/Analyst
Graduation of Basic and Advanced Actuarial training program (conducted by UK Actuarial Profession, FSDP/USAID, AED/USAID, Central bank of Armenia)
Financial mathematics, Probability and statistics, Life insurance mathematics 1, General insurance mathematics 1, Stochastic modeling, Principles and practice in general insurance, Principles and practice in life insurance
Economic and investment, Actuarial management of life insurance, Actuarial management of Social Security and private pension plans, Life insurance mathematics 2, General insurance mathematics 2, Stochastic modeling, Actuarial Management of Health Insurance and Health Care Financing, Investment and Asset/Liability Management, Actuarial Management of General Insurance, Principles of Accounting in Armenia, Principles of Law in Armenia, Economics and Investment in Armenia, Actuarial Professionalism Course,
Professionalism/Dissertations (Construction of illness table for cancer disease in Armenia)
Certificate of Actuarial Mathematics
(successfully complete training course according to the American Society of Actuaries Program, conducted by PADCO/USAID and YSU)
Certificate of Financial Mathematics
(successfully complete training course according to the American Society of Actuaries Program, conducted by PADCO/USAID and YSU)
Certificate of SPSS, PROST, Statistics and Economic
(Successfully complete training course according to university program, conducted by PADCO/USAID and YSU)
Certificate of Macroeconomics
(successfully complete training course according to the YSU program, conducted by PADCO/USAID)
Certificate of Mathematical Statistics
(successfully complete training course according to university program, conducted by PADCO/USAID and YSU )
Certificate of Extension Program English 5th Level Course
(successfully complete training course conducted by AUA) (from 2002 11 15 to 2003 02 03)
Certificate for a series of Seminars
on “The Pension System in Armenia - Current System and Reforms”, organized by PADCO/USAID,MOSS, YSU and “NEMROUT” Center (from 2003 04 16 to 2003 05 29)
Certificate for having participated in the distance-learning course
on “Pension Reform Options For Current Systems In Armenia, Azerbaijan, Republic of Belarus, Georgia and Republic of Moldova Offered through The World Bank Office in Yerevan , Armenia(from 2003.11.11 - 2003.12.18)
Certificate of Accountancy
(successfully completed 13 weeks Courses on Accountancy provided by “International Accountancy Training Center” Educational Fund, LICENSE #061 of Ministry Of Education And Science Of The RA )
Course Program (Duration 115 hours)
Accounting Framework and Main Accounting Standards of the RA, New Chart of Accounts of the RA, Tax System of the RA, Applied Accounting, Business Law
Certificate of Econometric Analysis using SPSS and E-views Packages
(Successfully complete course conducted by Eurasia Foundation, Caucasus Research Resource Centres CRRC-Armenia, from 17.05.04-18.06.04, 49 hours)
Academic courses
Actuarial mathematics, Mathematical demography, Pensions and life insurance models, General insurance mathematics, Insurance risks and reinsurance, Time series analysis with E-views package, Econometric models with SPSS package.
Scale of professional interests
Mathematical Statistics; actuarial mathematics; financial mathematics; econometrics.
Participation in grant projects
Introduction opportunities and development prospects of the State Mandatory Medical Insurance (Eurasia Foundation/CRRC)
Improvement Program of the Pension System in RA (USAID/PADCO)
Actuarial analysis of State Mandatory Medical Insurance in RA (USAID/PADCO)
Armenian, Russian, English - iTEP (B2 level)
Professional membership
Member of “Actuarial Society of Armenia” Non-governmental organization