Geghanoush V. Vardanyan
1971 - 1976: YSU, Faculty of Philology, Department of Romance and Germanic Philology (German language and literature)
Professional Experience
1983 - up till now: Professor, YSU, Chair of Germanic Philology
1977 - 1983: Assistant, YSU, Chair of Foreign Languages
Participation in International Conferences and Seminars
2002 June - July: Germany, Freiburg, seminar on «International Business Communication in German»
1998 April - May: Belgium, Brussels, and France, Strasbourg, seminar on "Marketing and Management in German" in the framework of "Tassis Tempus" program
1996 May - June: Germany, University of Stutgart, Faculty of Economics, seminar or Business German
1993 July: Germany, Duseldorf, seminar on "Publicity and means of publicity"
Foreign Languages
German (fluent), Russian (fluent), English (good)
1971 - 1976: YSU, Faculty of Philology, Department of Romance and Germanic Philology (German language and literature)
Professional Experience
1983 - up till now: Professor, YSU, Chair of Germanic Philology
1977 - 1983: Assistant, YSU, Chair of Foreign Languages
Participation in International Conferences and Seminars
2002 June - July: Germany, Freiburg, seminar on «International Business Communication in German»
1998 April - May: Belgium, Brussels, and France, Strasbourg, seminar on "Marketing and Management in German" in the framework of "Tassis Tempus" program
1996 May - June: Germany, University of Stutgart, Faculty of Economics, seminar or Business German
1993 July: Germany, Duseldorf, seminar on "Publicity and means of publicity"
Foreign Languages
German (fluent), Russian (fluent), English (good)