Gevorg Y. Baghdasaryan
1953 - 1958: Student, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Yerevan State University, Armenia
Academic degree
PhD Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences - “Problems of Stability of Anisotropic Shells and Plates in Supersonic Gas Flow”, dates attended, Institute of Mechanics of the Academy Science of USSR, Moscow, Russia, July, 1963
DSc Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences - “Problems of Magnetoelasticity of Thin Plates and Shells”, Institute of Mechanics of the Academy Science of Ukraine, Kiev, March, 1977
Professional experience
1958 - 1964: Researcher, Institute of Mechanics of the Academy of Science of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
1964 - 1978: Principal Researcher, Institute of Mechanics of the Academy of Science of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
1978 - 1979: Director, Institute of Mechanics of the Academy of Science of Armenia, Yerevan
1979 - 1983: Head of the section of Magnetoelasticity of the Academy of Science of Armenia
1983 - 1988: Professor, Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia
1988 - 2001: Head of the Chair of Mathematical Methods and Modeling, Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia
1993 - 1995: Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics of Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia
1994 - 1998: Rector of Yerevan State Teacher's Training Institute, Yerevan, Armenia
1998 - 2003: President of the Supreme Certifying Commission of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
2003 - 2006: Adviser of the rector at the Yerevan State University
2006 - present: Professor at the Chair of Mathematical Modeling and Methods of Yerevan State University
Academic courses
Mathematical Analysis
Ordinary Differential Equations
Differential Equations With Partial Derivatives
Integral Transformations for Complex Variable Functions
Mathematical Modelling of Wave Processes
Vibrations and Stability
Singular Integral Equations and Their Applications in Physical Processes
Mathematical Modeling of Interactions Between Continuum Media and Physical Fields
Scale of professional interests
Analytical and numerical investigations of forced, parametrical and flutter type nonlinear vibrations of anisotropic plates and shells.
The occurrence of new types of resonance in forced vibrations conditioned by the non-linearity of vibrations.
The possibility of existence of stationary vibrations under the conditions of pre-critical data of velocities of flow.
The existence of lower value of critical velocity and development of methods for its evaluation.
The general theory of description of interdependent mechanical and electromagnetic processes in thin-walled bodies.
The exception of possibility of parametric resonance.
The damping of dangerous flutter type vibrations.
The essentially increment of frequency of vibrations.
The decrement of the amplitude of vibrations more than hundred times with the help of constant magnetic field.
The generation of famous formula of the "Pump theory".
The possibility of excitement of forced and parametric types resonant vibrations with the help of nonstationary magnetic field.
The control of behavior of parametric vibrations with the help of constant magnetic field.
The optimal control of dependence of amplitude on frequency of nonlinear vibrations, a magnetic field is being present.
The theoretical aspects of propagation of dependent magnetoacoustic waves in piezomagnetic and magnetostrictive media.
The possibility of generation of new type shear surface and crack waves conditioned by piezomagnetic (or magnetostrictive) effects.
The possibility of generation of accompanying surface vibrations and as a result the possibility of transmission of acoustic waves from one piezomagnetic medium to another one without any mechanical contact.
Methods for mathematical modelling and solution for some problems were developed, that have important applied importance, particularly for problems of strength, stability and vibrations of superconductive and magnetosoft ferromagnetic bodies placed in stationary and non-stationary magnetic fields.
Participation in grant projects
1994 - 1995: “Vibrations and Stability of Superconductive and Magnetostrictive Plates in Magnetic Field” - American University of Armenia
1998 - 2000 - “Vibrations, Stability and Strength of Magnetically Active Bodies” - Government Grant
2001 - 2004: “Mathematical Modelling and Investigation of Magnetoelastic Interactions in Ferromagnetic Media” - Government Grant
Armenian and Russian - native
Professional membership
Professional Society Membership And Activities
Russian National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Appointed (1990) by the Presidium of the Armenian Academy of Sciences as member of National Commission Allocating State Grants
Armenian Society of Mathematics
Armenian Society of Mechanics
Presidium of National Academy of Science of Armenia
President of Scientific Board of Supreme Certifying Commission of Armenia
Scientific Board of Yerevan State University and Institute of Mechanics of National Academy of Science of Armenia
Scientific Board of the Ministry of Science and Education of Armenia
Pedagogical Academy of Armenia
Editoral Board And Responsibilities
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Mechanics, NAS Armenia
Member of the Editorial Board of the Proceedings of National Academy of Science of Armenia
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Mathematics in School
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Integral
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Naturalist
Awards received
500 Leaders of Science
The Contemporary Who’s Who
Man of the Year: 2002
American Gold Medal in Honor
(+374 10) 55-29-64
1953 - 1958: Student, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Yerevan State University, Armenia
Academic degree
PhD Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences - “Problems of Stability of Anisotropic Shells and Plates in Supersonic Gas Flow”, dates attended, Institute of Mechanics of the Academy Science of USSR, Moscow, Russia, July, 1963
DSc Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences - “Problems of Magnetoelasticity of Thin Plates and Shells”, Institute of Mechanics of the Academy Science of Ukraine, Kiev, March, 1977
Professional experience
1958 - 1964: Researcher, Institute of Mechanics of the Academy of Science of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
1964 - 1978: Principal Researcher, Institute of Mechanics of the Academy of Science of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
1978 - 1979: Director, Institute of Mechanics of the Academy of Science of Armenia, Yerevan
1979 - 1983: Head of the section of Magnetoelasticity of the Academy of Science of Armenia
1983 - 1988: Professor, Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia
1988 - 2001: Head of the Chair of Mathematical Methods and Modeling, Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia
1993 - 1995: Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics of Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia
1994 - 1998: Rector of Yerevan State Teacher's Training Institute, Yerevan, Armenia
1998 - 2003: President of the Supreme Certifying Commission of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
2003 - 2006: Adviser of the rector at the Yerevan State University
2006 - present: Professor at the Chair of Mathematical Modeling and Methods of Yerevan State University
Academic courses
Mathematical Analysis
Ordinary Differential Equations
Differential Equations With Partial Derivatives
Integral Transformations for Complex Variable Functions
Mathematical Modelling of Wave Processes
Vibrations and Stability
Singular Integral Equations and Their Applications in Physical Processes
Mathematical Modeling of Interactions Between Continuum Media and Physical Fields
Scale of professional interests
Analytical and numerical investigations of forced, parametrical and flutter type nonlinear vibrations of anisotropic plates and shells.
The occurrence of new types of resonance in forced vibrations conditioned by the non-linearity of vibrations.
The possibility of existence of stationary vibrations under the conditions of pre-critical data of velocities of flow.
The existence of lower value of critical velocity and development of methods for its evaluation.
The general theory of description of interdependent mechanical and electromagnetic processes in thin-walled bodies.
The exception of possibility of parametric resonance.
The damping of dangerous flutter type vibrations.
The essentially increment of frequency of vibrations.
The decrement of the amplitude of vibrations more than hundred times with the help of constant magnetic field.
The generation of famous formula of the "Pump theory".
The possibility of excitement of forced and parametric types resonant vibrations with the help of nonstationary magnetic field.
The control of behavior of parametric vibrations with the help of constant magnetic field.
The optimal control of dependence of amplitude on frequency of nonlinear vibrations, a magnetic field is being present.
The theoretical aspects of propagation of dependent magnetoacoustic waves in piezomagnetic and magnetostrictive media.
The possibility of generation of new type shear surface and crack waves conditioned by piezomagnetic (or magnetostrictive) effects.
The possibility of generation of accompanying surface vibrations and as a result the possibility of transmission of acoustic waves from one piezomagnetic medium to another one without any mechanical contact.
Methods for mathematical modelling and solution for some problems were developed, that have important applied importance, particularly for problems of strength, stability and vibrations of superconductive and magnetosoft ferromagnetic bodies placed in stationary and non-stationary magnetic fields.
Participation in grant projects
1994 - 1995: “Vibrations and Stability of Superconductive and Magnetostrictive Plates in Magnetic Field” - American University of Armenia
1998 - 2000 - “Vibrations, Stability and Strength of Magnetically Active Bodies” - Government Grant
2001 - 2004: “Mathematical Modelling and Investigation of Magnetoelastic Interactions in Ferromagnetic Media” - Government Grant
Armenian and Russian - native
Professional membership
Professional Society Membership And Activities
Russian National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Appointed (1990) by the Presidium of the Armenian Academy of Sciences as member of National Commission Allocating State Grants
Armenian Society of Mathematics
Armenian Society of Mechanics
Presidium of National Academy of Science of Armenia
President of Scientific Board of Supreme Certifying Commission of Armenia
Scientific Board of Yerevan State University and Institute of Mechanics of National Academy of Science of Armenia
Scientific Board of the Ministry of Science and Education of Armenia
Pedagogical Academy of Armenia
Editoral Board And Responsibilities
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Mechanics, NAS Armenia
Member of the Editorial Board of the Proceedings of National Academy of Science of Armenia
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Mathematics in School
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Integral
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Naturalist
Awards received
500 Leaders of Science
The Contemporary Who’s Who
Man of the Year: 2002
American Gold Medal in Honor
(+374 10) 55-29-64