


Academic Books
Today, YSU Rector awarded the title of the Honorary Doctor the Spanish writer, architect Gonzalo Guarch. The latter also answered students’ questions.

Mr. Guarch has developed activities towards the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide in the period of the last 20 years. This time he is in Armenia with his wife, accompanied by his brothers and their wives.

The decision to award Gonzalo Guarch this title was made by YSU Academic Council a few months ago, and today he was received at YSU together with the RA Minister of Culture Hasmik Poghosyan. First Gonzalo Guarch was received in the office of YSU Rector Aram Simonyan and then the ceremony was held in the Hall of Sessions of YSU Academic Council.

Mr. Guarch has authored 28 literary works, which expresses his deep concern towards the crimes against humanity, genocides, wars and dictatorships. Three of his books, dedicated to the Armenian Genocide – “The Family Tree”, “Armenian Testament” and “White Mountain”, have been translated into Armenian and published by YSU Publishing House.

“I have been engaged in this issue for years, as the claims of the Armenians are true. I will speak about this until the end of my life so that the whole world should recognize this great tragedy,” - said Guarch and added that now he feels himself both Armenian and Spanish.”

In addition to the certificate, confirming the title of YSU Honorary Doctor, Gonzalo Guarch also received YSU Gold Medal and the silver ring, symbolizing this title.

“There are very few people who can share the pain of other peoples. Such thing is typical only to people with special character. Mr. Guarch, you are one of rare individuals, who awaken the world’s conscience and draw the attention of the international community on the issue of recognition of the Armenian Genocide,” - said Aram Simonyan.

During the meeting, the “Spanish Armenian” also spoke about his new book, activities and answered questions.