Hasmik S. Balyan
Education (institute of higher education, year)
YSU, Faculty of Geography, 1967-1972
Position (present)
Associate professor of the Department of Physical Geography and Hydrometeorology of the Faculty of Geography and Geology in YSU
Scientific Degree (year, place)
Candidate of Geographic Sciences, 1987, Baku
Academic title (year, place)
Associate professor, Yerevan, 2004
Work experience (year, organization, title)
1967 - 1972 student
1972 - 1980 Leading geomorphology specialist of Geology department of “HAYGOKHSHINAKHAGIC” project institute
1980 - 1981 Gas administration Engineer- geomorphologist of the project-tracing expedition “Podzemmetallzaschita”
1981 - 1983 Armenian State Institute of еngineering and geodesy, aero- survey Geomorphology specialist of engineering-geological department
1983 - present lecturer at General Education Department of International Students’ Preparatory Department (ISPD), YSU
1993 - 1995 Manager of the Department of General education subjects at ISPD
1995 - 2000 Associate professor of Geomorphology department of the Faculty of Geography
2000 - present Associate professor of Phisical Geography department of the Faculty of Geography
Research Interests
Applied and dynamic geomorphology, landscape geochemistry and geophysics, medical landscape science, country-specific studies, recreational resources, innovational methods of teaching
Theme of dissertation: a/ candidate, b/ doctor
Landscape geochemical peculiarities of loose soil-forming rock of volcanic highland of Armenia
Academic activity(lectures on, lecture title, department)
Geomorphology- Hydrometeorology, soil-reclamation geography -geography- hydrometeorology, study of composite physical geography-geography, geochemistry and geophysics of landscape- physical geography master course, dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena- hydrometeorology,
physical geographical demarcation - geography
Scientific publications: a) books titles, b) monographies titles, c) number of scientific articles and theses
а) ‘‘Economical geography of USSR’’ (textbook for foreign students studying in the preparatory departments). YSU press, 1990
b) Anthropogenic transformation of natural environment of the South Caucasus. Tbilisi-Baku-Yerevan, 2008, 462 p. (co-authorship)
c) Number of scientific articles and theses - 62
Scientific research topics, academic grants, rewards, letters of commendation
Scientific research themes
2008 - 2010 “Assessment of water resources fragility of RA and development of water body adjustment ways in case of global warming of the climate” (s/d)
1997 - 2002 “Detection of paleohrazdan water resources and their use” (executor)
Letter of commendation
For achievements in the education field, from the YSU rector, 2010
Membership: a) of scientific and other councils, b) of non-governmental organizations
(year, organization name, status)
a) Member of scientific council of ISPD, Member of General Council of the Faculty of geography and geology
b) Member of the NGO “International Scientific-Research Center on Water, Climatic and Recreational 2004''Resources”, 1972 Member of Armenian Geographical Society
(+374 10) 55-06-61
YSU, Faculty of Geography, 1967-1972
Position (present)
Associate professor of the Department of Physical Geography and Hydrometeorology of the Faculty of Geography and Geology in YSU
Scientific Degree (year, place)
Candidate of Geographic Sciences, 1987, Baku
Academic title (year, place)
Associate professor, Yerevan, 2004
Work experience (year, organization, title)
1967 - 1972 student
1972 - 1980 Leading geomorphology specialist of Geology department of “HAYGOKHSHINAKHAGIC” project institute
1980 - 1981 Gas administration Engineer- geomorphologist of the project-tracing expedition “Podzemmetallzaschita”
1981 - 1983 Armenian State Institute of еngineering and geodesy, aero- survey Geomorphology specialist of engineering-geological department
1983 - present lecturer at General Education Department of International Students’ Preparatory Department (ISPD), YSU
1993 - 1995 Manager of the Department of General education subjects at ISPD
1995 - 2000 Associate professor of Geomorphology department of the Faculty of Geography
2000 - present Associate professor of Phisical Geography department of the Faculty of Geography
Research Interests
Applied and dynamic geomorphology, landscape geochemistry and geophysics, medical landscape science, country-specific studies, recreational resources, innovational methods of teaching
Theme of dissertation: a/ candidate, b/ doctor
Landscape geochemical peculiarities of loose soil-forming rock of volcanic highland of Armenia
Academic activity(lectures on, lecture title, department)
Geomorphology- Hydrometeorology, soil-reclamation geography -geography- hydrometeorology, study of composite physical geography-geography, geochemistry and geophysics of landscape- physical geography master course, dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena- hydrometeorology,
physical geographical demarcation - geography
Scientific publications: a) books titles, b) monographies titles, c) number of scientific articles and theses
а) ‘‘Economical geography of USSR’’ (textbook for foreign students studying in the preparatory departments). YSU press, 1990
b) Anthropogenic transformation of natural environment of the South Caucasus. Tbilisi-Baku-Yerevan, 2008, 462 p. (co-authorship)
c) Number of scientific articles and theses - 62
Scientific research topics, academic grants, rewards, letters of commendation
Scientific research themes
2008 - 2010 “Assessment of water resources fragility of RA and development of water body adjustment ways in case of global warming of the climate” (s/d)
1997 - 2002 “Detection of paleohrazdan water resources and their use” (executor)
Letter of commendation
For achievements in the education field, from the YSU rector, 2010
Membership: a) of scientific and other councils, b) of non-governmental organizations
(year, organization name, status)
a) Member of scientific council of ISPD, Member of General Council of the Faculty of geography and geology
b) Member of the NGO “International Scientific-Research Center on Water, Climatic and Recreational 2004''Resources”, 1972 Member of Armenian Geographical Society
(+374 10) 55-06-61