Hayk P. Hakobyan
Yerevan State University, Faculty of History: 1973-1978
Institute of Archaeology Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow, Russia. Post-Graduate Education: 1981-1984
Academic degree
(candidate – theme) “Economic and Cultural Relations Between Armenia and Rome (1st BC – 4th AD)”; [dates attended] April 1986; [institution name] Institute of Archaeology Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow, Russia.
Professional experience
1978-1980 State Museum of Ethnography of Armenia. Scientific worker, Head of Exhibition and Methodological Department, Scientific secretary;
1984-2001 Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences, Armenia. Head of archaeological team; Scientific secretary;
2001- up to now. Yerevan State University. Assiastant-Professor of the Board of Archaeology and Ethnography
Academic courses
Principles of Archaeology, Theory of museum work, Theory of Culture, Culture of the Ancient Armenia, Archaeology of Armenia, Archaeology of the Ancient Armenia, New Methods in Archaeology, Genesis of the Armenians, Culture of the Ancient World, History of the Ancient East, Greek and Roman History, Main trends of Armenian Archaeology, Principles of excavation
Scale of professional interests
History and culture of Ancient Near East and Mediterranean, Architecture, Religion, Numismatics, material culture, military art: Arial archaeology, mapping
Armenian, Russian, English
Professional membership
Scientific Council: The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography NAS Armenia;
Methodological Council for Archaeology: attached to government, Republic of Armenia
Scientific Council: The State Museum of Ethnography of Armenia
Yerevan State University, Faculty of History: 1973-1978
Institute of Archaeology Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow, Russia. Post-Graduate Education: 1981-1984
Academic degree
(candidate – theme) “Economic and Cultural Relations Between Armenia and Rome (1st BC – 4th AD)”; [dates attended] April 1986; [institution name] Institute of Archaeology Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow, Russia.
Professional experience
1978-1980 State Museum of Ethnography of Armenia. Scientific worker, Head of Exhibition and Methodological Department, Scientific secretary;
1984-2001 Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences, Armenia. Head of archaeological team; Scientific secretary;
2001- up to now. Yerevan State University. Assiastant-Professor of the Board of Archaeology and Ethnography
Academic courses
Principles of Archaeology, Theory of museum work, Theory of Culture, Culture of the Ancient Armenia, Archaeology of Armenia, Archaeology of the Ancient Armenia, New Methods in Archaeology, Genesis of the Armenians, Culture of the Ancient World, History of the Ancient East, Greek and Roman History, Main trends of Armenian Archaeology, Principles of excavation
Scale of professional interests
History and culture of Ancient Near East and Mediterranean, Architecture, Religion, Numismatics, material culture, military art: Arial archaeology, mapping
Armenian, Russian, English
Professional membership
Scientific Council: The Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography NAS Armenia;
Methodological Council for Archaeology: attached to government, Republic of Armenia
Scientific Council: The State Museum of Ethnography of Armenia