Hoghmik H. Sargsyan
Doctor, Geology and Mineralogy, 1973 (Thesis: “Geology and tectonic history of the Sevan-Shirak Synclinorium”)
PhD, Geology and Mineralogy, National Academy of Sciences, 1959 (Thesis: “Paleogene of Sevan-Shirak Synclinorium”)
Pre-doctoral Study (Aspirantura), Institute of Geology, National Academy of Sciences, 1954-1958 (Specialization: Geology)
BS, School of Geology, Yerevan State University, 1945-1950 (Major: Geology)
1950 - 1952 "Kovkasatsukhtrest"
1952 - 1956 YPI, Chair of geological survey, assistant
1956 - 1961 YSU Faculty of Geology (now Geography and Geology), Senior Lecturer
1961 - 1976 YSU Faculty of Geology (now Geography and Geology), Docent
1977 - 1980 Yerevan State University, Dean of Тhe Faculty of Geology
1978 to date - YSU Faculty of Geology (now Geography and Geology), Professor
1982 - 1997 Chair of Historical and Regional Geology, Head of Chair|
1999 to date - Chair of Historical and Regional Geology Honorary Head of Chair
In 2008 to date - scientific bulletin of the Yerevan State University (geology and geography) editor
Awards received
1987, 2010 - Diplomas of Ministry of Education RA
1999 -.Yerevan State University Gold Medal
1999 - Honorary head of Chair of the Yerevan State University
1972 - ASSR honored geologist
Academic courses
Palaeogeographical research methods
Stratigraphy of Armenia
Oil and gas geology
Methods of stratigraphic research
Sedimentary formations
Professional membership (NGO, professional council, editorial staff of scientific journal, funds etc.)
Membership - Armenian Seismology and Physics of the Earth Association
YSU Scientific Journal (geology and geography) editor
Armenian and Russian (fluent), English (advanced)
Doctor, Geology and Mineralogy, 1973 (Thesis: “Geology and tectonic history of the Sevan-Shirak Synclinorium”)
PhD, Geology and Mineralogy, National Academy of Sciences, 1959 (Thesis: “Paleogene of Sevan-Shirak Synclinorium”)
Pre-doctoral Study (Aspirantura), Institute of Geology, National Academy of Sciences, 1954-1958 (Specialization: Geology)
BS, School of Geology, Yerevan State University, 1945-1950 (Major: Geology)
1950 - 1952 "Kovkasatsukhtrest"
1952 - 1956 YPI, Chair of geological survey, assistant
1956 - 1961 YSU Faculty of Geology (now Geography and Geology), Senior Lecturer
1961 - 1976 YSU Faculty of Geology (now Geography and Geology), Docent
1977 - 1980 Yerevan State University, Dean of Тhe Faculty of Geology
1978 to date - YSU Faculty of Geology (now Geography and Geology), Professor
1982 - 1997 Chair of Historical and Regional Geology, Head of Chair|
1999 to date - Chair of Historical and Regional Geology Honorary Head of Chair
In 2008 to date - scientific bulletin of the Yerevan State University (geology and geography) editor
Awards received
1987, 2010 - Diplomas of Ministry of Education RA
1999 -.Yerevan State University Gold Medal
1999 - Honorary head of Chair of the Yerevan State University
1972 - ASSR honored geologist
Academic courses
Palaeogeographical research methods
Stratigraphy of Armenia
Oil and gas geology
Methods of stratigraphic research
Sedimentary formations
Professional membership (NGO, professional council, editorial staff of scientific journal, funds etc.)
Membership - Armenian Seismology and Physics of the Earth Association
YSU Scientific Journal (geology and geography) editor
Armenian and Russian (fluent), English (advanced)