


Academic Books
On June 10-13 events, devoted to the 95th anniversary of YSU, will be held.

Conferences, exhibitions, meetings, celebrations, poetry festivals, concerts and other cultural events are envisaged.

On June 10, a conference “Women’s Leadership” will be held in YSU Hall after Palyans with the participation of Arizona State University representatives. Then poetry festival “H. Sahyan -100, H. Shiraz -100, P. Sevak -90” will be held in the courtyard of YSU Main Building (at 12:00) and YSU Big Hall (at 17:00).

Beginning with 10:00 books published by YSU Publishing House, will be exhibited in the lobby of YSU library. Book Fair will be held in the courtyard of the Main Building, lobby and foyer of the library from 12:00 until 17:00, which will feature books published by YSU and other publishing houses. Beginning with 12:00 YSU employees and students will organize the exhibition of their hand works in the courtyard of the Main Building, too.

On June 11, at 11:00, the solemn session of YSU Academic Council will start in the Big Hall of YSU. Then, at 17:00, student concert will be held in the Big Hall.

On June 12, at 10:00, conference with the participation of the foreign guests, devoted to the issues of education, will start in the Hall of Sessions of YSU Academic Council. Then, at 17.00, YSU Big Hall will host the concert of pianist Elena Simonyants.

On the last day of the anniversary events, June 13, universitarians and guests will visit picturesque cultural and historical sites of Armenia, including Matenadaran, History Museum of Armenia, National Gallery of Armenia, Parajanov House-Museum, the Memorial of the Armenian Genocide and Museum-Institute of the Armenian Genocide.