Karen L. Avetisyan
1983 - 1990: M.S. in Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics, YSU
1990 - 1993: Post-Graduate Study, Faculty of Mathematics, YSU
Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics (Ph.D. in Mathematics),
"Classes of weighted integrable subharmonic functions on a disk and a half-plane", 1996, Faculty of Mathematics, Yerevan State University.
Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, "Weighted spaces of harmonic and holomorphic functions", 2009, Faculty of Mathematics, Yerevan State University.
Professional experience
2014- present: Head of the Department of General Mathematics,Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Yerevan State University
2000-2013: Associate Professor at the Higher Mathematics Department,Faculty of Physics, Yerevan State University
1996-2002: Scientific Researcher at the Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
1994-2000: Senior Lecturer at the Higher Mathematics Department, Faculty of Physics, Yerevan State University
1993-1994: Laboratory Assistant at the Higher Mathematics Department,Faculty of Physics, Yerevan State University
Academic courses
Mathematical Analysis, Function Theory of One Complex Variable, Special Courses on Harmonic Analysis and Potential Theory, Special Courses on Asymptotic Methods and Special Functions.
Scale of professional interests
Complex and Harmonic analysis, One and Several Complex Variables,
Function Spaces, Related Operators Theory.
Participation in grant projects
1996 - 2002: Grant from the Government of Armenia, Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia,
2005 - 2007, 2008 - 2010: Theme grants from the Ministry of Science and Education of Armenia, YSU
2005, 2008, 2011: DAAD grants for research stay in Germany.
Armenian, Russian, English
1983 - 1990: M.S. in Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics, YSU
1990 - 1993: Post-Graduate Study, Faculty of Mathematics, YSU
Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics (Ph.D. in Mathematics),
"Classes of weighted integrable subharmonic functions on a disk and a half-plane", 1996, Faculty of Mathematics, Yerevan State University.
Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, "Weighted spaces of harmonic and holomorphic functions", 2009, Faculty of Mathematics, Yerevan State University.
Professional experience
2014- present: Head of the Department of General Mathematics,Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Yerevan State University
2000-2013: Associate Professor at the Higher Mathematics Department,Faculty of Physics, Yerevan State University
1996-2002: Scientific Researcher at the Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
1994-2000: Senior Lecturer at the Higher Mathematics Department, Faculty of Physics, Yerevan State University
1993-1994: Laboratory Assistant at the Higher Mathematics Department,Faculty of Physics, Yerevan State University
Academic courses
Mathematical Analysis, Function Theory of One Complex Variable, Special Courses on Harmonic Analysis and Potential Theory, Special Courses on Asymptotic Methods and Special Functions.
Scale of professional interests
Complex and Harmonic analysis, One and Several Complex Variables,
Function Spaces, Related Operators Theory.
Participation in grant projects
1996 - 2002: Grant from the Government of Armenia, Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia,
2005 - 2007, 2008 - 2010: Theme grants from the Ministry of Science and Education of Armenia, YSU
2005, 2008, 2011: DAAD grants for research stay in Germany.
Armenian, Russian, English