Karine K. Karamyan
1982-1985 PhD student, Molecular Physics Department, Faculty of Physics, Yerevan State University.
1975-1980 Student of Faculty of Physics, YSU.
1965-1975 secondary school N 2, Tetritskaro, Georgia
Professional experience
2012 - The head of educational laboratory, Department of Molecular Physics, Faculty of Physics, YSU.
2007-2012 Junior Researcher, “Physics of Macromolecules” Laboratory, Department of Molecular Physics, Faculty of Physics, YSU.
1980-2012 Laboratory assistant, “Physics of Macromolecules” Laboratory, Department of Molecular Physics, Faculty of Physics, YSU.
Academic courses
"Molecular Physics" for 1-st year bachelor students, YSU.
Scale of professional interests
The investigations of structural changes of macromolecules under external factors. The influence of medium on DNA’s structure and molecular characteristics of micellar systems
Participation in grant projects
2002- 2006 - ISTC A-773
2002- 2007 - ISTC #A-301.2
2013-2015 - #13-1F127
Armenian, Russian, English
1982-1985 PhD student, Molecular Physics Department, Faculty of Physics, Yerevan State University.
1975-1980 Student of Faculty of Physics, YSU.
1965-1975 secondary school N 2, Tetritskaro, Georgia
Professional experience
2012 - The head of educational laboratory, Department of Molecular Physics, Faculty of Physics, YSU.
2007-2012 Junior Researcher, “Physics of Macromolecules” Laboratory, Department of Molecular Physics, Faculty of Physics, YSU.
1980-2012 Laboratory assistant, “Physics of Macromolecules” Laboratory, Department of Molecular Physics, Faculty of Physics, YSU.
Academic courses
"Molecular Physics" for 1-st year bachelor students, YSU.
Scale of professional interests
The investigations of structural changes of macromolecules under external factors. The influence of medium on DNA’s structure and molecular characteristics of micellar systems
Participation in grant projects
2002- 2006 - ISTC A-773
2002- 2007 - ISTC #A-301.2
2013-2015 - #13-1F127
Armenian, Russian, English