Karine A. Yeghiazaryan
1988 - 1993: Yerevan State University, faculty of history, diploma of historian, history and social science teacher
1995 - 2000: Researcher
Academic degree
Candidate (=Doctor) of Sciences, History
Academic courses
History of Armenian nation
Scale of professional interests
Armenian national-liberation movement (second half of 19th , beginning of 20th centuries )
Armenian, Russian, English
1988 - 1993: Yerevan State University, faculty of history, diploma of historian, history and social science teacher
1995 - 2000: Researcher
Academic degree
Candidate (=Doctor) of Sciences, History
Academic courses
History of Armenian nation
Scale of professional interests
Armenian national-liberation movement (second half of 19th , beginning of 20th centuries )
Armenian, Russian, English