Lilit R. Minasyan
1997 - 1999: YSU, Department of History, Chair of World History, Master’s Degree.
1992 - 1997: Yerevan State University, Department of History, Bachelor’s Degree
Academic Degree
2011: Ph.D. in History, 2013: Associate Professor
Research topic:”Pompey the Great: a Political Portrait”
Work Experience
2001 to present: Lecturer at Yerevan State University, Faculty of History, Department of World History
1998 - 1999: Research Trainee in Ancient History at Yerevan State University,
1997 - 2000: Leqding Expert of the Department of Information and Publication at the Government of RA,
Academic Courses
History of Ancient Greece and Rome
History of Greece and Roman Social Thought
Latin (beginners and intermediate)
World History 1
Sours Study (ancient and medieval)
Scale of Professional Interests
Ancient history, History of Ancient civilizations, Ancient Political and Social Thought, Ancient Philosophy
Participation In Grants
2011 - 2012: “Fondation Hardt Pour L’Etude De L’Antiquite՛ Classique” research scholarship.
Russian, English, French, Latin
1997 - 1999: YSU, Department of History, Chair of World History, Master’s Degree.
1992 - 1997: Yerevan State University, Department of History, Bachelor’s Degree
Academic Degree
2011: Ph.D. in History, 2013: Associate Professor
Research topic:”Pompey the Great: a Political Portrait”
Work Experience
2001 to present: Lecturer at Yerevan State University, Faculty of History, Department of World History
1998 - 1999: Research Trainee in Ancient History at Yerevan State University,
1997 - 2000: Leqding Expert of the Department of Information and Publication at the Government of RA,
Academic Courses
History of Ancient Greece and Rome
History of Greece and Roman Social Thought
Latin (beginners and intermediate)
World History 1
Sours Study (ancient and medieval)
Scale of Professional Interests
Ancient history, History of Ancient civilizations, Ancient Political and Social Thought, Ancient Philosophy
Participation In Grants
2011 - 2012: “Fondation Hardt Pour L’Etude De L’Antiquite՛ Classique” research scholarship.
Russian, English, French, Latin